It seems some folks are very hard on themselves and never given themselves a break as they give others.
Of course that is offset by those know everything are never wrong who never apologize.
At least that way liars would never get away with fooling people as they do.
The verbal a**kisser would be exposed as a LIAR out to get what he could by any means possible INCLUDING LYING LYING LYING LYING LYING.
Feelings would be hurt sometimes of course. There is always that chance. But isn't truth worth it?
We are all hard on ourselves. A lot of people care what others think of them. The funny thing is that they really don’t care. They care about us as much as we care about them. Are they really looking at us? Do they see that one out of place hair? Do we see it on them? Not really. They, like us, have too many other concerns running around in their heads.
There are those who obsess over what others think of them. Many of these are people who desperately need attention (for one reason or another). They will lie, flatter and manipulate others just so they think that they are making a good impression. Problem is, they are so busy trying to look good that they become blind to what they’re doing… even if others aren’t.