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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » They don't really KNOW how long immunity from COVID 19 will last. Maybe a few months or a few years. Why doesn't it last for your lifetime?

They don't really KNOW how long immunity from COVID 19 will last. Maybe a few months or a few years. Why doesn't it last for your lifetime?

Posted - August 5, 2020


  • 10572

    In a nutshell – we don’t really know.  

    It’s said that nothing last forever.    Everything eventually wears out.  The same is true of vaccines.  However, by that time the body (should have) built up its own antibodies against the diseases.  Unfortunately, everyone’s different.  No two bodies are alike.  That’s why it’s so hard to find a cure for cancer.  Everyone’s DNA is different.  As such, the way we react to a disease is different (as we’re seeing now with COVID).  Thus for some (many) a vaccine may last a lifetime, while with others (a few) it doesn’t. 

      August 5, 2020 11:49 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I wonder if we are entering a new phase of existence wherein whereby our science just can't keep up with the need for protecting us? I'm gonna ask. That a disease has taken over everything worldwide as it has does not portend well for the future. One things begets another thing begets another thing. None of them good for living things. Thank you for your reply Shuhak. Here comes the question.
      August 6, 2020 4:29 AM MDT

  • 3719
    I learnt only recently, thanks to an epidemiological rather than diagnostic test, that we create two antibody types. One is short lived, the other longer - but for how long would seem to depend on the individual antibody strain and on one's own health.

    Also the SAS-COV2 virus is so new to humans that we won't know for some while yet how it and us will cope with each other over time; nor its long-term adaptation and survival traits.
      August 6, 2020 4:20 PM MDT