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Discussion » Questions » Family » have you ever had a family member abuses of you unnoticed because of the family tie ?

have you ever had a family member abuses of you unnoticed because of the family tie ?

my mom, i start to feel like i shouldnt talk to her anymore.

the reasons: while living with her , she oblige me to be followed by a psychiatrist, obliges me to be medicated against my will for a mental issue which i DONT have , being kept at the hospital because the neighbor under me bangs on the wall to agress me ; and it become my problem as if im faulty ; so it makes more than a month im at hospital . also they dont want to let me out if i dont have a place ; but my mom call me sometimes and still tries to get in the way of this situation, like tries to get in the process to decide the fate of my situation .

i mean , no i dont need you in my life no more , stop trying to decide my fate , its none of your business .

shes just here to blame me and create problems to me 

Posted - August 9, 2020


  • 7408
    It sounds like she’s just trying to help you. Sometimes people don’t realize when they need help. 
      August 9, 2020 2:06 PM MDT

  • 5450
    I know this is a tough situation for you because my husband is going through the same thing with my father-in-law, who's been in your situation for almost the entire year.  I don't know why you're there, but in the case of my father-in-law, he has issues which everybody else can plainly see but he can't, so that must be really frustrating.  Getting information from the hospital is pretty tough because of patient privacy laws, and my F-I-L's not even talking to my husband right now. His situation might be a lot different from your situation, but I think in my F-I-L's case, he blames my husband for his situation because he wouldn't let him move in with us.  

    He lived with his mother until she died, and after that he couldn't handle living on his own.  We just couldn't have him move in with us because he's verbally abusive to his own family members.  He's extremely obsessive-compulsive.  In his case, it doesn't take a licensed psychiatrist to notice that, but he tells people he's a perfectionist.  From what I've heard, he always was, but he just doesn't see it, and I feel bad for him because from his point-of-view, the world is against him for some reason unknown to him.  He was also terrible with money, so the state appointed someone to take over his finances, but he thinks he was a financial expert.  

    It must be one of the worst things in the world to live in a situation where how you see yourself is that different from what everybody else sees, because I think a lot of people who aren't considered mentally ill sometimes struggle with the difference between how they see themselves and everybody else sees themselves.  It's the feeling of being misunderstood that nobody likes, so I can only imagine how bad that must be for people struggling with something they can't see.
      August 9, 2020 2:40 PM MDT

  • 1441
    thank you. but no matter what they see its not a reason to try control someone else's life when im an adult . 
      August 9, 2020 3:40 PM MDT