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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » To eat junk or not to eat junk? That is the question. Here's the problem. Unless you KNOW what junk is how can you avoid it?

To eat junk or not to eat junk? That is the question. Here's the problem. Unless you KNOW what junk is how can you avoid it?

Some folks defend JUNK food and adore it and support it and defend and thrive on it.
Some folks don't.

Your choice. Take your pick.

Posted - August 10, 2020


  • 3719
    I don't believe in "junk food" - but "junk diet".

    Some foods are of poor nutritional value (and often poor financial value), but the real problems come when you eat too many of them, especially if they form the bulk of your daily diet.

    The difficult for many people who don't have too much money to spare is that they believe a good diet is necessarily expensive.
      August 10, 2020 11:32 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I cook from scratch which is the safest way to go and also generally the least expensive. But I ENJOY doing so. Once upon a time long ago my son's best friend's mother said "cooking is slave labor". That is anathema to me. She was the wife of a wealthy accountant and they dined out often. Why she felt she had to put down others who did not share her "opinion" I do not know. I say different strokes for different folks. Cooking is my cuppa tea. Some are not very good at it so they should let those who are do it. Some are not particular about what they eat. Those of us who are particular and selective find cooking from scratch heavenly and ideal. That way we CONTROL what goes in to the pot and we KNOW what's good and what's not. Thank you for your reply Durdle. Of course there is "junk" food. Else there could not be a junk diet. Vending machines are often filled with junk. Salty sugary fatty. MMM they taste good. Some don't give a rat's a** what they eat as long as it tastes good they're all in. They're the ones whseo kids are ill and obese. They are oblivious to it or maybe not. Maybe they just don't care. Thank you for your reply m'dear! :)
      August 11, 2020 4:13 AM MDT

  • 3719
    I'm  not great cook but I manage reasonably well! I like baking a cake now and then.

    I know  a lot of snack foods are of poor value but I don't worry too much about them. It's eating too many regularly that's the problem.

    I agree with you completely about that out-down!  
      August 11, 2020 4:42 PM MDT

  • 113301
    What kinds of cakes do you like to bake Durdle? Do you bake on request or just whatever you're hungry for? My mom used to make what she called was a SUNSHINE cake. It was a single layer gold cake baked in a 9 x 12 Pyrex pan. After it cooled she'd put sliced bananas on top and then SLATHER IT with real whipping cream and then keep it refrigerated! Simple but oh so SCRUMPTIOUS. Then she'd also make a cake with walnuts and grated orange rind. No icing necessary. It was delicious as-is. Thank you for your reply! :)
      August 12, 2020 4:54 AM MDT

  • 3719
    Ooh, those cakes your Mum made sound delicious!

    I don't bake very often, but to share with a circle of friends I meet fairly regularly (pandemics permitting...).

    I have a collection of recipe books, but one of my favourites is a simple tea-cake, rich in dried fruit that has been steeping overnight in cold tea.   

      August 12, 2020 2:39 PM MDT