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Is life in general made up of itsy bitsy teeny tiny microscopic differences? Or are the differences huge gigantic enormous behemoths?

Posted - August 10, 2020


  • 6477
    Here's what I think.. lol you seem to be getting an eyeful of my opinions today, that's to make up for being away a while! So, in many societies, there are differences, usually subtle, sometimes bigger and even opposite, but people are able to discuss them openly and consider, genuinely, the other's position.. 

    In still other societies, it seems that the opinions and viewpoints are polarised - complete opposite... but that's not the really worrying thing. What's worrying is that in trying to express even a mild rebuff or differing view, one is met by aggression and anger, and insults. So I wonder, if it's not the differences in opinion, per-se, that are the problem.. but the way people are holding those opinions and expressing them currently? 

    It has been suggested to me that a certain Prez is legitimising much of this polarisation?
      August 10, 2020 11:35 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You have a CARTE BLANCHE invitation to show up here whenever you have the time Addb. You KNOW that. You and your opinions are always welcome here m'dear! I know you have other fish to fry so you can't be here every day. One day when you can we shall be able to chat more often!

    As for your position on this we are all victims of our DNA. I'm positive some folks are just born MEAN AND ANGRY and they approach everything in life that way. Others of us are not like that. We get puzzled then annoyed then aggravated then angry then furious! Well maybe not all of the "we". But I know it isn't just me. Disagreement is a good thing. How else do you learn what others think and why?. But it is the HOW as you point out that matters. Geez there are pals here with whom I can vigorously disagree and I do. But in a way that isn't a personal attack on character or motive or delivery. The monster disagreeers like the panicky pandemic pumpkina** cannot open their mouths without it being rife with INSULT VINDICTIVE VICIOUS VITRIOLIC attacks and lies. Some seem to major in lies. Everything folks say is offensive right out the gate. There is no "after" during which we can reasonably logically politely advance differing views. The environment for doing that is poisoned so there is no point to it. Thank you for your reply Addb! :) This post was edited by RosieG at August 12, 2020 11:58 AM MDT
      August 11, 2020 4:06 AM MDT