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Does WANT create NEED or NEED create WANT?

Posted - August 10, 2020


  • 6477
    Want creates demand for sure.. I wouldn't say it's a need though.. 

    A strange phenomenon in the UK that might be relevant - so we are being told now that people MUST go back to the office.. not because of their health, not because their employers need them to... but because.... the pre-made sandwiches/lunch snacks and coffee sellers in cities are having a hard time now as there aren't as many people going physically to work, so they aren't buying coffee etc... 

    I never bought those things anyway... I take herbal tea and eat when I get home.. but.. it has made me wonder.. HOW did this suddenly become a NEED.. so much so that our economy and our procedures have to fit round it!
      August 10, 2020 11:08 AM MDT

  • 113301
    That is an excellent question m'dear and I wish I could answer it. Desperation maybe? Flailing around struggling to keep afloat and seeking anything to hold on to that will help? Here now it's OPEN THE SCHOOLS!
    Why? Well one storyline is that children's lives will be ruined if they can't get back to socializing with their friends. The pandemic pumpkina** even said that not getting back to "normal" would be far worse for children than getting the virus! He even said that children are "almost" immune which is a lie. Children have died from it but the truth has never prevented him from telling his DESPERATION plot and script. Sad thing is here in America his adoring worshippers believe everything he says and the toady sycophants and spineless witless scairdy cats dare not contradict him. Sigh. Today will be more of the same only worse.Thank you for your thoughtful reply Addb and Happy Tuesday to thee and thine! :)
      August 11, 2020 1:29 AM MDT

  • 10572

    ‘Want’ and ‘need’ aren’t necessarily the same.    People have confused these two words.  I can want (desire) a Lamborghini, but I really don’t need one. 

    People only need a few certain things to survive – food, water, air, and such.   Beyond that those “needs”, are just desires (wants).  OK, if one needed water, then one could say they want water.  In that instance wants and needs would the same.  However, what I’m saying is that many of our so-called “wants” are just that... wants (desires).   We may we want a cold beer, but if we don’t get it we're not going to die.   We may want a million dollars.  We may even justify to ourselves that we really “need” it.  “I could buy food and a place to live and etc. etc.”.  However, in actuality we could buy enough food to survive for a lot less than that.  We could live in a much cheaper home.  We don’t want to, but we could.  Funny, but it seems that the more we have the more we think we “need”.  We’re never satisfied.  The rich want more money. The well fed want more food (better food at that).  They don’t “need” it they just “want” it.  The higher our income, the “better” we live.  However, if that income were to decrease, suddenly we think we can’t survive.  “I need my morning Starbucks.”  “I need my Netflix subscription.”  “There’s just no way can I survive on a salary less than $750,000/year.”

    We need food to survive.  However, we don’t "need" caviar and truffles for every meal.  we may want it, but we don’t ”need” it.   We need water to survive.  However, we don’t "need" Acqua di Cristallo Tributo a Modigliani water ($60,000 per 750 ml.).  Sure, we may look swanky plopping down the cash to get it, but we don’t need it.  We may think we need it.  We may even convince ourselves that we need it, but we really don’t.


      August 10, 2020 2:42 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your very thoughtful reply Shuhak. As if you have ever given me anything less. You know what I think is the key? Appreciation/gratitude. If you are grateful for and appreciative of whatever you have then your "wants" are many fewer and perhaps even your "needs". My dad appreciation life and everything in it. The cup half full. My mom, bless her heart, was afflicted with being a cup half empty. It was just how they were wired. My sister is also a "daddy's girl" in the same way I am. She wakes up cheerful. She wakes up happy. She minimizes the downside of life and maximizes the up. I have been most grateful to my dad for that. His optimism and steady spirit and always focused on "the prize".... life itself. In that and for that I will never be able to thank him enough. Happy Tuesday and STAY SAFE! :) This post was edited by RosieG at August 11, 2020 9:44 PM MDT
      August 11, 2020 1:22 AM MDT