‘Want’ and ‘need’ aren’t necessarily the same. People have confused these two words. I can want (desire) a Lamborghini, but I really don’t need one.
People only need a few certain things to survive – food, water, air, and such. Beyond that those “needs”, are just desires (wants). OK, if one needed water, then one could say they want water. In that instance wants and needs would the same. However, what I’m saying is that many of our so-called “wants” are just that... wants (desires). We may we want a cold beer, but if we don’t get it we're not going to die. We may want a million dollars. We may even justify to ourselves that we really “need” it. “I could buy food and a place to live and etc. etc.”. However, in actuality we could buy enough food to survive for a lot less than that. We could live in a much cheaper home. We don’t want to, but we could. Funny, but it seems that the more we have the more we think we “need”. We’re never satisfied. The rich want more money. The well fed want more food (better food at that). They don’t “need” it they just “want” it. The higher our income, the “better” we live. However, if that income were to decrease, suddenly we think we can’t survive. “I need my morning Starbucks.” “I need my Netflix subscription.” “There’s just no way can I survive on a salary less than $750,000/year.”
We need food to survive. However, we don’t "need" caviar and truffles for every meal. we may want it, but we don’t ”need” it. We need water to survive. However, we don’t "need" Acqua di Cristallo Tributo a Modigliani water ($60,000 per 750 ml.). Sure, we may look swanky plopping down the cash to get it, but we don’t need it. We may think we need it. We may even convince ourselves that we need it, but we really don’t.