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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » We think some things are just "the tip of the iceberg". We assume there is more there there than we can see. What if there isn't?

We think some things are just "the tip of the iceberg". We assume there is more there there than we can see. What if there isn't?

Is the Trump we've seen the tip of the iceberg or is what you see what you get? What about Gary Johnson? Is there more there there out of sight or is he all there is?   How can you base anything on what you can't see and what you don't know about someone or what may be coming down the pike or chasing someone from long ago? You only know now not before or after and even now could be distorted completely. Couldn't it?

Posted - October 9, 2016


  • 127
    To be honest, Trump is the most blatant hateful person you'd ever see. He's a very wysiwyg person. Johnson isn't so wysiwyg. You have to really understand politics to understand that he's about as sociopathic, if not more than Trump. Both of them are complete pigs. One's practically a fascist, and the other is an example of "I'm a sociopath but it's my politics so it's ok." 

    Being able to tell when there's subtext to something seemingly superficial is a skill one needs to learn. Sometimes all is a metaphor, all has deeper meaning, all has more than meets the eye. Other times, a cigar is just a cigar, and learning what's what is takes a long time.
      October 9, 2016 7:31 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Well from what I read Pence is beloved as a true Conservative Evangelical  and I guess it can't get any better than that for Republicans. He may well be their lifesaver. The RNC can't oust Trump. They can pull funding and support  but unless he withdraws they're stuck with him. They are trying to figure out though what they can do should he have the decency to withdraw. I know. Using decency in the same sentence as Trump is outlandish. I give you that. But we really don't know which Trump will show up, how long he will last and whether or not he will be medicated so he will be a good little boy or just let everything all hang out so Trump can be free at last free at be Trump. That's why I can hardly wait  to get to the debate.  As for metaphors, I'm a huge fan. Of course as with everything else one can read anything into them one wishes dependent solely on political persuasion or miss them completely. Sadly. So what's there is not recognized and what's not there is pretzelized and they are off and running. A liberal subtext may not necessarily be recognized by a conservative and vice versa. We hear different whistles because that is how we  get through life...reading into things what we need from them.  It's a crapshoot either way and I have no idea who will hold the winning hand or if an unknown gunslinger takes someone out and takes over. I'm  not even guessing how it will end. I don't have a clue. Thank you for your reply ISS. Trump is a nasty piece of work. The good thing about his prez candidacy is now everyone knows what a crappy evil person he is. And that is not a bad thing at all. This post was edited by RosieG at October 9, 2016 8:11 AM MDT
      October 9, 2016 8:09 AM MDT

  • 127

    I've just stopped bothering with US politics after Bernie endorsed Hillary. I don't think you'd be comfortable with me telling you my actual political orientation (or is it already obvious), but though I'm still involved with politics, this whole election has become a circus. It's the first time I actually get to vote, and it becomes the looniest election there ever has been with the most despised candidates in election history. Occasionally I'll follow up on the election just to see what's going on, but the closest party to my politics is the Green party, so I'm voting for Jill Stein. Aside from that, I want nothing more to do with American politics. It's become such a sh*tshow that I have no idea what is satire and what is reality anymore. 

    With metaphors, one can project their own thoughts and beliefs onto the subject at hand. This is especially true of politics. People read and hear what they want to hear, even if it's not what was said at all. People hate their worldview being shattered, so they try their best to ensure that it stays the same. 

    I don't want to guess how it'll end either. All I can tell you is that it's going to end badly. Both candidates are crappy evil people, but there is one good thing about Trump. He has exposed how many awful, racist, sexist, and all around disgusting people there are in this country. And that, as you said, ain't a bad thing either. 

      October 9, 2016 8:23 AM MDT