Being as how everything pumpkina** says and does is based on blasphemy why would a GOD of any sort send that to anyone unless said GOD wanted to destroy them?
To speak evil of, slander, abuse
Defaming, speaking evil to harm
So I think we can all agree that the pumpkina** blasphemes everry day. A gift from GOD or a punishment? Or possibly from the elsewise otherwise "other" guy?
Saying that he’s “the chosen one” is the height of arrogance. When people go around saying that, we usually say they need to be put in a rubber room. Yet, with this lunatic, many people believe him. Maybe they all need to be in a rubber room.
I won’t label all evangelicals as “bad”, as I’m sure there are some who are doing the best they can. I’m not evangelical, nor is the church I attend. However, a few people who go to my church are diehard trumpicians. How they can’t see him for what he is - a liar – I do not know. Nor do I know how they can justify his blasphemous actions. They’re not bad people. They’re good, honest, hard working Christians. Yet for some reason they think that douche bag is a good president. I don’t get it either.