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There are probably LOTS of wealthy white fat old racists in the GOP they could have chosen to "head" the country. Why pick a pumpkin?

Posted - August 18, 2020


  • 10572

    Because people wanted change.  They were tired of the same-old same-old - lots of empty promises and little action (do you blame them?)  Then along comes this clown preaching and promising change (drain the swamp, make America great again).  That’s just what the people wanted to hear.  People didn’t care about his past record or his abilities; they simply liked what they heard.  The only problem was that he really wasn’t any different than the ones he claimed were bad.  He may have done a few “good” things (probably accidents), but the ends don’t justify the means. 

    Now here it is, 4 (excruciating) years later.  His promises were as empty as those before him were.  He served himself, not the people.  The people he surrounded himself with (the “swamp”?) were more corrupt than their predecessors.  We might not have known they were corrupt had they not been in the spotlight were their deeds were exposed. 

    He’s a racist.  The only reason he wanted a wall is because he hates Mexicans.  He may have said otherwise, but his actions showed those to be lies.  He hates Muslims, thus the immediate travel ban when he got into office.   He hates blacks.   The fact that one of “them” (as he considers it) was elected president has stuck in his craw for years.   He spread conspiracy theories about him (not a US citizen) which many people believed.  Then, once he got in office, he tried his best to undo everything Obama did while president. 

    He hates anything that takes (or had taken) money away from him.  Climate regulations took money from him, so he rescinded them.  Taxes were choking him, so he lowered them.

    He lies more than a rug.  Instead of admitting me made a mistake, he lies (wasn’t me.  I didn’t do it.  I never knew the man).  To make himself sound more prestigious, he lies.  It almost seems that the only thing he knows how to do is lie. 

    The people (both republicans and democrats) still want change.   Washington is still out of touch with the rest of the nation.  The republicans blame the democrats, the democrats blame the republicans.  It will never matter who’s in charge – a white man, a person of color, a woman, a person of ethnicity, or whomever.   It will always remain the same.   Why?  Because it’s the rich (of any description) who run the country (one has to be rich to even run for an office).  The rich want one thing – more money (despite what they may claim).  There is only so much wealth in the world (finite).  Therefore, to become wealthier the rich must take it from those who aren’t as wealthy – everyone else.   The poor want health insurance.  They want to provide for their children (decent paying job).  They want a decent place to live (the streets are cold).  The rich don’t want to give it to them, as it will reduce their wealth (one way or another).  The people want change.  However, the only ones who can change things are the rich… and they’re not going to do it – no matter what they may promise.

      August 18, 2020 1:58 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Not me Shuhak. I was happy delighted with President Barack Obama. I had no complaints. Why anyone could possibly think a racist shyster deadbeat sexual predator liar bum who was always suing or being sued could possibly be  "better" is staggering to me. Seriously. I feel nothing but CONTEMPT DISDAIN and REVULSION at all of those who voted for the clown of renown. I ALWAYS WILL. We knew he was crap and he was elected anyway. Of course it was all RIGGED by his foreign puppetmaster as it is being rigged by the same puppemaster today. I cannot believe the depth of STUPIDITY and CUPIDITY of these millions of useful idiots who voted for him. I never will. May they all roast in he** for eternity. May GOD forgive me but that is my TRUTH! Sigh. Thank you for your reply! :) WHAT FOOLS THESE MORTALS BE. Stupid dumb doesn't even begin to cover it.  They can do nothing to redeem the evil they created. This post was edited by RosieG at August 18, 2020 2:36 PM MDT
      August 18, 2020 2:18 PM MDT