Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The pitiful guy is hammering away at a RIGGED ELECTION and FRAUDUlent votes. Hammering hammering hammering. Impressed?

The pitiful guy is hammering away at a RIGGED ELECTION and FRAUDUlent votes. Hammering hammering hammering. Impressed?

Meanwhild 92% of the people who Rely on and LIKE the POsT OFFICE are watching him tracking hm listening to him continue to make a fool of himself. He has no clue how the audience is responding to this. He is losing the house. The drunks who used to enjoy his act have moved on. He is boring repetitious and delusional.

That are finally INSULTED at his lack of regard for their perspicacity and intelligence. He is stuck in a an a old mold mould. He will die their trying to convince people of his honesty honor.

It ain't workin'.

Posted - August 18, 2020


  • What's impressive about it? I reached the conclusion that a massively rigged election was on the horizon a long time ago. The US General Election this year will be worse than any third world nation or banana republic could possibly contrive. Where are the UN observers when you really need them?
      August 18, 2020 3:51 PM MDT