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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "Ignorance is no excuse"? How not? How can you do what you are supposed to do if you do not KNOW WHAT THAT IS? MINDREADING? GUESSING? WHAT?

"Ignorance is no excuse"? How not? How can you do what you are supposed to do if you do not KNOW WHAT THAT IS? MINDREADING? GUESSING? WHAT?

Posted - August 19, 2020


  • 6023
    The saying originated in the days when the average citizen could read and understand the law.
    When many lawyers used the Bible as much as law books, to argue a case.
    When you didn't need an education in law, to "hang out your shingle" as a lawyer or be elected a judge.

    In other words, before lawyers decided to limit the common person's ability to understand the law by writing it in their own special language which requires a college education to unravel.
      August 19, 2020 8:00 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Oh? Oh. Okay. That makes sense. So that old saw stated when times were very different is still applied in the now when what existed then is no longer true. Is that fair do you think? Thank you for the logical explanation and your reply Walt. Appreciated as usual. I wonder what fun and games we will experience today?
      August 19, 2020 8:14 AM MDT

  • 6023
    Off the topic ... but on legal karma ... remember that gal who I've been trying to get off my property for not paying for 19 months?
    She was arrested on Friday.
    Seems the police tried to pull her over ... not sure what for, at this point.
    She attempted to elude them, due to an outstanding warrant for driving without a license.
    They wound up having to use a spike strip AND a "pit maneuver" on her.
    She is still in jail (5 days now) and has a $25,000 bail.
    She could be sentenced to 90 days and/or a $1000 fine.
    Furthermore, the car in the local paper photos doesn't look like the one I believe she owned.
    So I don't know if she borrowed somebody else's car - or got a newer one, herself.
      August 19, 2020 11:39 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Let's get something straight. Even though I might tell you "you didn't answer my question" whatever you want to talk about is welcome. We can always get around to your answer later. Now I have a question for you. Do you VET those to whom you rent? Do you have a management company to do that? Is the property close to your home so you can drive by conveniently and check it out from time to time? She sounds like a real dipstick. Will you ever get your money? Boy I wonder how many people who rent get stiffed? Not something I'd want to do m'dear. Thank you for the update. I remember before I understood the problem I was kinda snarky. Then you very kindly for explaining what was going on. I don't have the patience to deal with that Walt. Good for you but I hope it doesn't take a toll on you. :)
      August 21, 2020 12:35 PM MDT

  • 6023
    She wasn't a renter ... I was trying to sell the house as "owner carry".
    I did a background check, but it obviously wasn't as "thorough" as advertised.
    My friend, who used to do missing-person cases so has an "in" with that type of thing, was able to quickly discover this gal had pulled the same scam a couple other times.  

    At this point, I doubt I'll ever get the money. 
    When she used filing bankruptcy as a delay, she never provided the paperwork for proof of income.
    Plus, she owes $10,000 to the IRS (per the bankruptcy filing).
    So I'll just be happy when she is gone - and if she doesn't destroy the house in the process. 
    Which is why I'm hoping she will be in jail for the next 3 months.

    I'm not sure if anyone has tried to argue "ignorance of the law" recently.
    I'd imagine anyone who did so before a jury could make it stick, unless it was something like "I didn't know murder was wrong".
    All they would have to do is point to the rows and rows of legal books many courtrooms have around the sides.
    "How am I supposed to know all THAT?!?"
      August 21, 2020 2:57 PM MDT

  • 113301
    What makes people like her people like her? Do they hit the ground running to see how many scams they can pull, people they can screw and damage they can do? I oon't get it and never will. Others wouldn't dream of pulling scams. What is it that is the determining factor and when does it occur? Are they signs early on when these people are children? Was it bad parenting or is it just in the DNA? It just puzzles me a lot. Is it choice or compulsion? Anyway "it is what it is". SIGH. Thank you for the update Walt and hopefully futurely she'll be the "one and only" crrok! Happy Saturday to you and your family! :)
      August 22, 2020 1:38 AM MDT