Judging what will service him/her the best? The criticizer/sucker upper. Criticize to get all those "atta boy atta girl" from the "right" folks and suck up to get props and creds and "good boy good girl keep it up keep it up keep it up"?
Sheesh! :(
That scripture is taken out of context.
People like to stop at verse 1 - “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” However, that's only part of the statement. The rest is - “For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged; and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.”
Everyone judges. In fact we have to judge. We wouldn’t get very far if we didn’t.
Judging means to form an opinion or conclusion about someone or something. For example, if someone were insulting to you, you’d judge that person as being rude.
Jesus isn’t telling us to not to judge, rather He’s telling us that we will be treated by others just like we treat them, and that the standard we use in judging others will be the standard by which we will be judged by them.
The bottom line of the bible is love. Love others. If everyone loved others (put others ahead of themselves), there would be no problems.