Jared and Kayne had meetings. We KNOW the Kanye adores the pumpkina** very bigly so obviously his goal is not to win but to divert black votes to him so they won't go to Joe.
Anyone who votes for kanye is crazy. We know there are millions of crazies so it could work. But those millions of crazies would not have voted for Joe. They would have voted for pumpkina**. Once again the pumpkin is shooting himself in the foot. Let him. It's his gun and his foot. He can do whatever he wants with the gun including shooting someone on fifth avenue. He said so.
The more people who don’t vote for Biden (by either voting for someone else or not voting at all), the better chance trump has to win. He has a loyal follower base who’ll vote for him come hell or high water. All he has to do is divert enough votes away from Biden so that his base is bigger.