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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Since Nikki Haley flatly states "America is not a racist country" I invite all people of color from "SH**HOLE COUNTRIES" to move here! OK?

Since Nikki Haley flatly states "America is not a racist country" I invite all people of color from "SH**HOLE COUNTRIES" to move here! OK?

You will be welcomed with open arms. Nikki Haley GUARANTEES your welcome. She wouldn't lie would she? Of course not.

Come one come all to the land of opportunity where you are not judged by the color of your skin but by the content of your character. Do those words sound familiar? Well Dr. King WE IS THERE. WE DONE ARRIVED. Nikki Haley says so.

Posted - August 25, 2020


  • 35039
    "We is here. We done arrived."  ???? Why is this worded this way?  Imagine is Trump or another Republican used this phrasing. 

      August 25, 2020 6:21 AM MDT