Discussion » Questions » Finance » I wonder if all Trump surrogates are getting paid for their services/servicing him? The love of money can be one's undoing. Right?

I wonder if all Trump surrogates are getting paid for their services/servicing him? The love of money can be one's undoing. Right?

It's a living. They have to earn a living somehow don't they and how isn't as important as how much the job pays. I wonder if any of them will be irreparably damaged for life by their activities?

Posted - October 10, 2016


  • 34526
    I am sure all of the political surrogates on the TV are paid on both sides of the aisle.  They are called staff.
      October 11, 2016 2:16 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Some are both m2c. A surrogate is someone who stands in for and plays the role of a principal. You can be a surrogate sister or brother as well. I was a surrogate mom to a former Answerbag member whose mother sadly passed away. I stepped in and took over that role because he was young enough to be my son. Did I ever meet him in person? Sadly not. He has since passed away. Sadly.  However I loved him as I would my son and I listened to him and I was always on his side. That is what a surrogate does. Always defend. That is what Trump surrogates do. Always defend. Kelly Ann Conway is both a surrogate and a member of Trump's staff. However there are many unknown surrogates who flood the TV shows defending defending defending. Latino women, black males are especially noteworthy since they are defending a person who has insulted them bigly. Go figger. It takes all kinds. They probably get paid less than the surrogate campaign staff like Kelly Ann. Thank you for your reply. Oh. I did not get paid to be a surrogate. I did it for free! :) This post was edited by RosieG at October 12, 2016 5:46 AM MDT
      October 12, 2016 5:45 AM MDT