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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » OBVIOUSLY those who are ANTI the ANTIFASCISTS are FASCISTS. Read again. It's not that hard to understand. Anti antifa are FASCISTS. DUH?

OBVIOUSLY those who are ANTI the ANTIFASCISTS are FASCISTS. Read again. It's not that hard to understand. Anti antifa are FASCISTS. DUH?

The proudly defiant FASCISTS who pride themselves on being anti those who are antiFASCISTS are FASCISTS.

They don't seem to grasp that. They are all short a few cards in the deck and among the dullest knives in the drawer with more than a few screws loose. Not one brain among them collectively. NOT ONE!

So keep on railing against the ANTIFA. Go ahead. Keep it up. The more you do the more you ADMIT and CONFESS YOU ARE A FASCIST. Sheesh. Dumb as mud.

Posted - August 31, 2020


  • 6023
    I'm anti-Antifa, based on the historic actions of members of that group. 
    Namely; rioting, vandalism, and violence against anyone who gets in their path.

    And yet, I'm also against dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, as well as strong regimentation of society and of the economy.

    So how am I a fascist?

    The enemy of my enemy is not always my friend.
      August 31, 2020 7:20 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You've been duped too Walt? You do not realize that not all "alleged" anti are in fact antifa do you? You do not conceive of white sepremacist RACISTS  passing themselves off as antifa to cause trouble for them do you?  You do NOT conceive of any white racist fascists having infiltrated the peace protests and caused trouble by starting fires simply and destroying property to make the peaceful protesters look bad? You do not understand the concept of SHIL or RINGER? That is not in your wheelhouse then? You believe all who "act" as antifa are alike despite the vast difference in MO. I see. You are then exactly what the dipstick adoring worshppers are. You believe what he says about antifa. Okay. We can't possibly agree on everything. This SHOCKS me but then I shock easily. Thank you for your reply. I cannot answer how you are a fascist. I can only tell you that from your reply I perceive you as a fascist sympathizer and an anti fascist pretender. I mean you can't be against what you support can you? Sigh. Whatever
      August 31, 2020 7:27 AM MDT

  • 6023
    From their very beginning, members of the antifa group were violent and destructive.
    (likely the same group of anarchists who were violent during anti-NWO protests, prior to 2016)
      August 31, 2020 7:57 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You mean to tell me that every single member is violent? You mean to tell me that every single member goal is to create violent chaos? FASCISM is violent racism on steroids. You are saying that antifa is equally violent and there is no redeeming value in having a group that actively fights FASCISM? Seriously? Then I will tell you that I believe  it is a shill or a front to create hate against those who are against FASCISM. I believe that completely. Just as there are white supremacists fascist racists who are infiltrating the peaceful protests and creating the violence probably ordered by the dipstick so he can point it out and justify sending in weaponized mystery thugs who then will baton beat tear gas and maybe even murder. AND GET AWAY WITH IT. My scenario is as valid as any the dipstick cabal et al have Walt. You know that. The dipstick supporters will go to any lengths to make him look good and to help him justify creating a dictatorship where his word is law. You know that. Yes I'm furious. If what you say is true then it is not the anti fascists like me. It is the fake phony shills and ringers hired to effect exactly the reaction you have shown. I am NOT kidding. I truly believe that. So we are at odds. I appreciate the links. But as I said why should I believe any of it? The dipstick crowd refuses to believe that dipstick is a treasonous traitorous LIAR. Maybe I'm wrong. I know the dipstick crowd is way wrong. Anything and everything they do is to strengthen him. Vile venal vicious vitriolic. I trust NONE OF THEM and I put nothing past any of them. Do you? Thanks. Gotta cool down. Not good to be all riled up like this. Too old for it. Talk to ya later. Gater. This post was edited by RosieG at August 31, 2020 8:09 AM MDT
      August 31, 2020 8:04 AM MDT

  • 6023
    There is no single "Antifa" ... it is a loose alliance of groups (as the Wikipedia article explains).
    And as I said, I think the violence is due to the anarchist groups.
    They are the same groups who used violence/destruction to "protest" global trade conferences.

    However, none of the other affiliated groups have condemned the violence/destruction.
    Thus, they are implicitly supporting it - if not actually explicitly aiding and abetting.
      August 31, 2020 11:27 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I have never Googled antifa but I will. I am automatically for those who are always against any dipstick thing. I wouldn't put it past the dipstick and his evil cabal et al to be the ones who actually set up antifa to use it as a bogeyman. The dip is capable of any degradation. I shall ask. Thank you for your reply Walt and Happy Tuesday to thee and thine! We shall overcome. My sis (will be 76 in December) and I (will be 83 in October) both believe we will not live to see that day. :( This post was edited by RosieG at September 1, 2020 3:28 AM MDT
      September 1, 2020 3:27 AM MDT

  • 16663
    "Only a Sith deals in absolutes". The flip side of totalitarianism is anarchy. Hardly an improvement. The flip side of fascism is Communism. Again, no improvement there. One can be more moderate than that - I'm a democratic socialist. This post was edited by Slartibartfast at September 1, 2020 5:24 AM MDT
      September 1, 2020 5:23 AM MDT