DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO is bullsh** crap and y'all know that. Why pretend to be stupid dumb when you aren't? Why accept what those who dish out stupid dumb crap say when YOU KNOW BETTER?
This it not a teenage girl "playing dumb" and hiding her smarts so the guy she likes won't know how smart she is and feel he is outclassed? Gotta shore up that fragile ego? Who wants someone like that?
Well the dipstick ego is very fragile and he demands everyone suck up to him and shore him up and give him what he desperately needs all day every day 24/7? COMPLIMENTS COMPLIMENTS COMPLIMENTS COMPLIMENTS. The more bizarre weird queer peculiar outrageous the better he likes it. Uh huh. Uh huh.
Are you tolying through your teeth to be "liked" by the dipstick? Barfing would be a way of life it seems for those who despise the guy but "pretend" they adore him. That's what it takes to not become a target of the retaliation revenge guy. He is just looking for another target. He gets off on it.