I’m surprised it’s that low.
One doesn’t have to be starving to be food insecure. Food insecurity is defined as, "the disruption of nutritious food intake or eating patterns because of lack of money and other resources.”
There are many people in this country who can’t afford to eat. That sounds strange considering we’re the "land of plenty”. However, thanks to high rent, healthcare and food costs coupled with stagnant wages and a rise in low paying jobs (many of which are part time only), it’s a reality. Much of the “cheap” food out there isn’t very nutritious. A box of mac and cheese may be cheap, but it’s not very nutritious. The same goes for fast food. Trying to raise a family of 3 AND pay rent AND drive a car AND pay the bills (electricity, water) on 2 minimum wage jobs isn’t easy. What would happen if you lose one of those jobs (due to the virus perhaps)? It may sound preposterous to those who have never been in that situation, but let me assure you, it DOES happen… and more often than you might think. Do you ever wonder why there are Food Banks? If everyone had or could afford food, there’d be no need for them. Sadly, for some people food banks are their only source for food.
When we think of starving people, we usually envision people living in impoverished or war torn countries (Cambodia, India, Uganda, Congo). Yet there are starving people right here in the US. Jobs aren’t as abundant as our government “leaders” like to claim they are, and have become even less abundant thanks to the pandemic. There are a lot of homeless people/families in this country. Some are homeless and yet still have jobs. Their “house” is a car or a box in the bushes. They rely on food banks and welfare to survive. Some even dumpster dive to get food to eat. Many homeless people aren’t lazy or “mental”, they’re normal people just like you trying to survive on little to no income. Some didn’t want to be homeless, but something happened that put them there (a lost job, unexpected medical bill, rent increase). A lot of people live paycheck to paycheck. If that gets disrupted, they’re screwed. A good education has become so expensive that only the wealthy can afford it. Lck of education usually equals having a low paying job.
Food insecurity isn’t “bilge”, its reality! In this great land, it shouldn’t be, but it is. Gone are the days of bountiful high paying jobs and retirement pensions. They’ve been replaced by part-time minimum wage jobs. The CEO’s make millions in salary and bonuses, while paying their employees mere pittance. Welcome to today's America!
Ah, I see what you mean.
Saying that someone is starving sounds harsh (after all, starvation only happens in third world countries). The word “starving” has an urgent sound to it. These days, people only think things are urgent if they are happening to them. “That person’s starving; ‘we’ need to take care of it right now! However, by renaming staving as “food insecure”, it no longer sounds as serious. If it’s not serious, then there’s no urgency to rectify it. What’s really happened, is that by calling it “food insecure”, people have justified themselves of not having to do something about it. “Let the churches or the government take care of it. That’s their job.”