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Is there a movie theme song that in your opinion does not fit the movie very well at all, and why? ~

Posted - September 3, 2020


  • 10052
    I feel like this is asking too much of us, Randy. Obviously, everyone else agrees with me, since it's been, like, lots and lots of hours since you posted this question!
      September 4, 2020 2:40 PM MDT

  • 53367


      Just wait, my Dear, let patience be your virtue. You’re in too much of a hurry. It’s as if you only want instant gratification.  Hey, wait . . .

      September 4, 2020 2:49 PM MDT

  • 10052
    I've got all kinds of virtues. 

    Look who's talking!
      September 4, 2020 2:52 PM MDT

  • 53367


      I’ll need a list of them, please. 


      September 4, 2020 4:43 PM MDT

  • 10052

    One of my virtues is ..... nice try, never mind.  You tried to trick me. 
      September 4, 2020 5:20 PM MDT

  • 53367



    An entire harem full of women and here I am waiting for this one. Well, at least she’s worth it.   (Sigh.)

      September 4, 2020 5:56 PM MDT