The spikes and surges that could possibly occur will set us back. But y'all know that and don't care or give it a mind? What happens happens. It is what it is. Bring it on. Full speed ahead. What could it hurt?
We will fail!
Judging from what happened after Memorial Day and the 4th of July, it’s quite clear that people are going to do what they want, where they want, and how they want… and ain’t no one gonna stop ‘em. In 2 weeks the biggest surge yet will span this country. Unfortunately, it won’t be the idiots who will suffer the most. It’ll be the ones who are trying to be safe but will get get “contaminated” by the fools. And the one who should be ‘leading by example’ isn’t. Instead, he’s busy spouting lies and BS, forcing those who are “wiser” (CDC and such) to agree with him, all so that he looks good (he only cares about his image).
This nation is filled with millions of thoughtless, self-centered people. They only care about themselves. They demand their rights (screw everyone else’s). They want to have fun – at any cost. They give little if any thought to how those actions might affect others. Instead of actually thinking about others, they whine, b*itch, and protest. Oh, they “claim” they’re doing it for “all people”. However, what they’re actually saying is, “Gratifying MY desires is the most important thing in the entire world! And in order to satisfy those desires, I have the right to harm or kill any or everyone else.”
It’s convenient to place the blame for someone’s actions on someone else. “My parents made me the way I am”. However, that’s not completely correct. Yes, parents have a BIG influence on their children. Yes, sometimes the actions of parents can scar a child for life. So can friends or family members. But that never excuses a person from not changing. Every person has the ability to change. Change is rarely easy. People who have tried to change will tell you it’s a tough uphill battle. It’s much easier to simply deny that they need to change and stay as they are. Self-centered, selfish people CAN change. However, the cost of that change is usually something that many aren’t willing to pay. “Self” (me first) is a hard thing to oppose, and many times opposing it means sacrifice (selfish people do not like that word). It may mean losing friends, or a comfortable job. It will definitely go against societal norms - “You only go around once”, “Look out for #1”, “Me, me, me; get, get, get”.
The one to blame for “dipsticks” actions is himself. He can change, but he sees no reason to do so. He’s quite comfortable being a self-centered a$$. In fact, he’s been one so long that he thinks everyone else should act the same way. To him, it’s the people who aren’t self-centered who need to change.