Think about it.
Then try to comprehend how absurd that is. GOD MADE MAN IN HIS OWN IMAGE.
Except with some fake phonies they reject those folks GOD made who don't look like them or like like them or think like them or hate like or love like them. FAKE PHONIES! Blasphemous they are. Self-righteous to the core. Stupid dumb as they come because they are oblivious to what they are.
Are you aware of them? Know any of them? What do you think about them? Why?
You cannot be a BIGOT CHRISTIAN. You are one or the other.
You cannot be A RACIST CHRISTIAN. You are one or the other.
Phonies fakes and blasphemous homo saps how dare they be what they be?
One cannot be a racist and be a Christian. Christ’s command is to love everyone (God first, others second). A racist is showing selfishness (sin), not love. It is written - “…for the one who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen.”