Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Meanwhile back in the west fires are still raging out of control. People died, homes were lost,folks evacuated. Know what I heard?

Meanwhile back in the west fires are still raging out of control. People died, homes were lost,folks evacuated. Know what I heard?

That all of this is a part of the prophecy about the END OF DAYS. It has been foretold in the Bible and to some it is now happening. Do you believe that too?

Posted - September 11, 2020


  • 3719
    I would not believe that for one  minute but I wonder if those who do, will simply take a fatalist and rather callous attitude towards it all. 

    I've heard a report that one of the forest fires was started by fireworks from a party - if so then that is by irresponsibility. We've had fires in my county from idiots using disposable barbeques in tinder-dry woods and heaths.  
      September 11, 2020 2:11 PM MDT

  • 113301
    That was a GENDER REVEAL party which is the stupidest thing I've heard in a long time. Pregnancy is normal. The gender of the baby once known can be revealed by simply saying "it's a boy" or "it's a girl". Having a party is for what reason? Getting gifts? Profiting on the pregnancy? Whatever stupid dumb this stupid dumb party was set up for it caused thousands to be forced from their homes, thousands of homes destroyed, air that is virtually unbreathable and has been for over three weeks, hundreds of millions in property loss, rolling blackouts. We may never know the extent of the damage. They are allegedly being held responsible to PAY for it which of course will never happen. Only a billionaire could afford and I think they are not that. Turning a normal human event into a major catastrophe? Only in America are people that selfish that stupid that braindead. Only in America.
      September 12, 2020 4:00 AM MDT

  • 3719
    It was always also called the "sex", as the correct term for any organism being either female or male,  not "gender", too.

    I associate "gender" with inanimate things like French verbs!

    I don't know about profiting, but gifts - that would not surprise me. Yes, it is a feeble excuse for a party.

    Do you have those Chinese lanterns in America, that are simple model hot-air balloons made from a paper or thin cloth envelope on a wire frame, and heated by some sort of small lamp? One released they drift down-wind until the lamp goes out or dies down enough to provide no more lift, then they fall anywhere. I don't know if they have been responsible for starting fires here, but the farmers all hate them for another reason as well as the fire danger, and that is livestock accidentally eating the bits of wire.

    We've a lot of thatched cottages in the English countryside, too, and you certainly don't want a burning Chinese lantern landing on dry thatch.

    Conventional fireworks from reputable manufacturers usually present a lower risk because they should cool down before hitting the ground, but they don't always, and using them in the conditions you are having in the West of the USA at the moment is utter madness.  Isn't the fire started by the fireworks the largest, or one of the largest, at the moment?

    No, they will never be able to pay the costs fully, and it's hard to see what suing them could achieve, apart from making a load of lawyers richer. I don't know what else could be done though, because however stupid those people were, the fire was not arson and as far as I know stupidity is not illegal.

      September 12, 2020 2:22 PM MDT