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"In times of tragedy we come together we stand together. WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER." For one day only each year? Is that the best we can do?

Posted - September 11, 2020


  • 10572

    For one day a year it’s peace and goodwill to our fellow man (Christmas).  The rest of the year, it’s every person for themselves.

    Memorials like 9/11, D-day, Pearl Harbor Day, and such are powerful the first few years, but after that, they begin to fade.  The generations that didn’t live through them don’t see their significance.   Besides, they will have their own “memorial days”.  19 years later, a new generation has arisen that didn’t live through the tragedy of 9/11. They may know of it (history classes), but it has little meaning to them (other than what others have told them).

    It’s sad that it takes a tragedy to get people to get their sight off themselves and look to their fellow man.  When prosperity comes, people become prideful.  “Look at what I have done.  MY status.  MY fancy house or boat or car.”   It’s only when the source of their pride is taken away (say, destroyed by fire), that they are humbled.   Yes, there are some who are helpful in both good and bad times, but they are in the minority anymore.   

      September 11, 2020 5:12 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Dipstick was very muted. I was shocked that he didn't go off the rails and spew his hate and fear and filth during his 9/11 speech. He seemed drugged. I think that's they only way he can be made to stay on script. He read the teleprompter words without any emotion. He got through it.I wonder was he ordered to stay on script and not make a another excuse for a partisan rant? Still the speech was gut wrenching when he lauded the military. The same folks he calls LOSERS and SUCKERS and not very smart. I wonder if anyone was else was offended by that as I was? He is a loser and those who voted for him are the suckers and not very smart.
    Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Saturday. Did you have to evacuate? Was your electricity shut down multiple times? So sorry for all of what's going "up north". So sorry.
      September 12, 2020 1:39 AM MDT

  • 10572

    When he sounds drugged it’s because he isn't straying from what's written.  He only has emotional inflection when he uses his own lies... er... I mean words.  He hates sticking to written speeches (which he does NOT write) because they don't let him brag.  Every time he goes off what's written, the lies and stupidity come gushing out (his vanity shines brightly).  That’s why they keep telling him to stick to what’s written.  And as you can see, doing that just about kills him.

    No evacuations here, just smoke.  The electricity here was shut off from 10:10 pm Monday to around 2:30 pm Wednesday.  

      September 12, 2020 12:13 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Will you know when you've endured the worst Shuhak or do new fires keep happening? Our weather down here seems to be slowly cooling down. The 8-day report for this week shows just one triple digit day. So that's heartening. After all of this is behind us do you plan to go see your doctor so he can check you out and see if any damage has been done? I don't know what is involved in examining the health of your lungs but I am very worried about that. Our air down here has been crappy off and on but nothing like yours and you've been breathing it for WEEKS! Sigh. Thank you for your reply! :)
      September 13, 2020 5:36 AM MDT

  • 10572
    According to the fire maps, there are a few new fires. Temperatures here are cool due to the thick smoke.  The winds are supposed to pick up today and start blowing some of this smoke out.  At first, the smoke that's currently along the coastal areas and in the Central Valley will get banked up against the mountains.  Hopefully by late monday,however, it will start to clear some of the smoke out of here.  The smoke won't be 100% gone until all the fires are out, but it should at least get a little better.  What we need is a nice soaking rain.  Smother the fires, dampen the remaining fuel and wash down the layer of ash that covers everything.

    I don't know how they'd tell damage to the lungs.  I had asthma to start with.   We know for sure damage is happening as most people are having a hard time breathing (shortness of breath) along with burning lungs.  
      September 13, 2020 12:41 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Oh geez Shuhak! Asthma of all things? Oh geez.  I had a bit of a bout with asthma I think a few years ago. I had to sleep sitting up. I got an inhaler. I was all set  live the rest of my life struggling to breathe and then it just disappeared! So maybe it wasn't asthma at all but I will tell you it was a very very scary scary experience. When you struggle to breathe you think you are dying. I don't have to tell you that . You already know. Here's to cooler weather and rain and putting this behind us and moving on. You in? Thank you for your reply! :)
      September 13, 2020 12:53 PM MDT