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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I wonder if any of the dipsh** diptick's adoring worshippers WORRY about his excess weight and how that affects his health? DO YOU WORRY?

I wonder if any of the dipsh** diptick's adoring worshippers WORRY about his excess weight and how that affects his health? DO YOU WORRY?

Posted - September 12, 2020


  • 17081
    On the contrary, I'm expecting it. It will make the mirroring of Warren G Harding even more obvious. However, Harding died 3 years into his term. Trump will have an attack of apoplexy when the enormity of the landslide vote hits him during election counting, which could lead either to an infarction or a stroke.
      September 12, 2020 5:42 AM MDT

  • 113301
    He knows the TSUNAMI of defeat is fast approaching. He is doing everything he can to invalidate the results of the election IN ADVANCE to offset his drowning. He is getting ever more frantic. What I don't get is that he sits on his a** watching TV for hours at a time every day gobbling up junk food and never exercising because he says "it takes too much energy". He is old. How much longer is his "lifestyle" gonna keep working for him before he drops dead or has a massive stroke? I don't get it. A walking TIMEBOMB! Thank you for your reply R! :) This post was edited by RosieG at September 12, 2020 5:48 AM MDT
      September 12, 2020 5:46 AM MDT