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Are QANONS Christians or do they believe in black magic and voodoo? Are they atheists? What are they and why are they and who are they?

Posted - September 12, 2020


  • 10572

    qanon’s are idiots.  They were formed by an idiot.   They’re led by an idiot.  They’re egged on by an idiot.  Their stupidity defies logic.  And anyone who believes their foolish nonsense is beyond gullible, and make themselves utterly stupid fools. 

      September 12, 2020 12:57 PM MDT

  • 113301
    The entire premise of their existence is truly insane mad crazy wackadoodlenoodle crackpotty. In the olden days we'd laugh our a**es off at them as we have with other nutjob conspiracy theory insane. But because the dipsh** has only them as his base he panders to them so he can exist. They really are quite nuts. Millions of them. Nutty fruitcakes. They cling to one another and validate one another and support one another in their mad alternate reality universe. Never before did we ever fear them. Until they elected one like them. The dipsh** got his nutty fruitcake fake AG who breaks laws to sate his lust for power. Dumb and dumber is what we are being controlled by. Fat and fatter ugly and uglier vile and viler vicious and viciouser liar liar liar liar liar liar liar. Everything ends right? Or do some things last forever? AARRGGHH. I shall ask. Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Sunday! :)
      September 13, 2020 3:35 AM MDT

  • 3719
    Whether any of them are "Christian" is a moot point. Some hard-line religious fundamentalists holding similar political views to QANON might think they are; but I would not call them Christian by any experience of the religion I have met.

    It is not a religious cult, but a political circle; and appears to be "social medium" circle , not a formal organisation. Whatever its individual followers' religious beliefs, a central tenet is that the world is run by a secret cabal of people-trafficking paedophiles who worship Satan!

    QANON has cultish properties but unlike cults does not appear to have a set dogma enforced by one "leader" or central committee, just woolly extreme Right-Wing themes their supporters can interpret as they think best (if  they "think" at all) around the basic ideas. Cults do not encourage interpretation and thinking.

    It would be interesting to know its turnover, but I don't know if anyone can estimate that. The Intelligence Services might, I suppose. Because QANON "works" on-line it cannot have the grip on its followers established by a religious cult based on physical congregations of people it knows. If so, there is nothing to stop a disillusioned QANON follower "leaving" simply by ignoring it.

    It seems to have been originated by about three people, and may have been intended as satire, though satire relies on mocking widely-known facts and real characteristics, not on inventing wilfully offensive allegations. If was meant as a joke it soon ran out of any humour and all control.

    According to the long section on Wikipedia about QANON, its originators antics included once publishing "messages" in what looked like alphabetical code, but analysis by a code-breaker showed no messages or meanings. It was an Emperor's New Clothes trick,  making followers feel part of a secret organisation without realising they had been fooled, and that the "coded" meanings they thought real were their own fiction!  

    Some of its followers do like to brag about being such though - prominently wearing its stylised Q motif, or the abbreviation  "WWG1WGA" of its pretentiously ungrammatical motto.  

    I believe the FBI now classes QANON as a "domestic terrorist" group.  
      September 12, 2020 3:15 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your extremely informative helpful and thoughtful reply Durdle. I appreciate it very much. So in other words it is made up of dingbat tinfoil hat wearers who believe the earth is flat the Holocaust never happened and the moon landing was staged on a Hollywood sound stage. Why it is now front and center in a political regime is puzzling. The premise is absurd ridiculous outlandish and the stuff of bogeymen and things that go bump in the night. Laughable ordiarily but not these days. Not now. A QANON female pol won an election and the dipsh** congratulated her and said she had quite a future in politics. If that is not an ENDORSEMENT I don't know what is. The conglomeration of the dipsh** base is made up of fools ignoramuses and mentally deective low-class homo saps. As I said that there are so many of them shocks me. I did not know we in America were harboring so many crackpot wackadoodlenoodle nutjobs. But they recognized their own and voted for the worst nutjob of all..the dipsh**! So we are in the hands of a powerful crazyman. It's a nightmare of huge proportions and it continues. When are we going to wake up and get up and go out? What would have been our check-and-balance system was the first to go. The fake AG barfbarr has done much evil as the hitman for the dipsh**. Allegedly the barfbarr was once respected. All this time the real guy was just waiting to come out and he has. If this were the plot of a book or a movie or a TV show the writer/author would be laughed at and ridiculed and derided. Truth is stranger than fiction. Also far more dangerous. Thank you for your reply Durdle. Wonder what the nutjob plans to sic on us today? This post was edited by RosieG at September 13, 2020 12:42 PM MDT
      September 13, 2020 2:30 AM MDT

  • 3719
    I don't know about the Flat-Earthism  etc., but yes, it puzzles me too why President Trump pays it so much attention, unless it as simple as most of 
     QANON's followers being Republican supporters. I have seen one or two photos of his campaign rallies in which a few QANON types stand out by wearing prominent Q badges; but I would think that although the circle has a very large following they are still very much a minority among his supporters generally. 

    I may be wrong but I thought most of Trump's support came originally from former industrial areas - coal-miners, steel-workers, etc. - and I can't imagine they would have much regard for fantasists like QANON. They were drawn to Trump's pledges to revive their industries; and though I don't know to what extent he succeeded and how much support he still has in those States, many of those supporters are probably far more politically astute than most of QANON put together.
      September 13, 2020 1:02 PM MDT

  • 33903
    I do not know I do not know. 
    But most groups will have members of different religions...unless of course it is a religious group. ie. Knights of Columbus is a Catholic group.
      September 13, 2020 1:06 PM MDT