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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Why not think before you speak unless you have no mind or brain with which to think? In which case you gibberish blather! Right?

Why not think before you speak unless you have no mind or brain with which to think? In which case you gibberish blather! Right?

Wait a darn minit here.

Some folks ADORE gibberish blather

They repeat it and retweet ir and forward it and discuss it and enhance it and repackage it.

Gibberish Blather is hot right now and very popular among the cognoscenti. Gibberish blather matters to many. Many groups are founded upon it and thrive and survive because of the admirers. Yep. There are millions of admirer of gibberish blather who pay money to support it! Isn't life wunnerful wunnerful wunnerful?

Posted - September 12, 2020


  • 2706
    I have been told to think before I speak on more than one occasion. However, the old adage "Practice what you preach" comes to mind at this moment. :)
      September 12, 2020 4:00 PM MDT

  • 7280
    If more people thought before they spoke (wrote), I wouldn't have so much work to do on Q & A sites.
      September 12, 2020 4:03 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I hadn't thought of that aspect of gibberish blather tom. I know you have an inordinate amount of patience. I don't. When I encounter people that make no sense or things that make no sense it drives me nuts. Now to be fair sometimes the problem is me. Sometimes whatever it is does in fact make sense but for some reason I'm unable to grasp it. A mental roadblock perhaps? I don't know. But mostly what I talk about makes no sense to me because it is nonsense. Now I ask but avoid encountering the gibberish blatherers and I see that you are willing to take a shot at getting through to them. I have no idea why some folks are very patient while others are not. I am a lifetime member of the "are nots". Example. The dipsh** lied because he didn't want to panic about the pumpkina** virus but all his speeches and rallies and press conferences are meant to panic people. What do I do with that? Ask about it. Anyway thank you for your succinct answer. Thank you for your response and Happy Sunday to thee and thine. Oh. An aside. Remember the conversation we had about people being "helpful" who weren't? Yesterday I was in the kitchen doing my thing cooking and my sweet Jim was there doing cleanup for me as I went along. He is so good that way but he was getting in my way and of course I said nothing. But I thought of that conversation about people wanting to help who mean well and I kinda laughed.
      September 13, 2020 2:04 AM MDT

  • 7280
    In the last few days, I have chosen not to continue to respond by certain posts on here.  I will suggest point out various breaks with reality when that is what I think I have read, but when they respond, I have tentatively decided to avoid any responses to their comments on my comments.

    I had to tell our youngest boy that he was just going to have to get used to being frequently the smartest person in the group and also likely the most knowledgeable about the subject being discussed.

    Anything else is false humility.

    I remember about 50 years ago going to the race track in New Orleans while I was there visiting a friend.  He suggested a few horses to bet on for the daily double and a few of the other races.

    All his suggestions turned out to be winners.  In one race, the jockey on the winner had to stand up in the saddle about two-thirds of the way through the race to avoid having to wait at the finish line for the rest of the field. (An exaggeration I suppose; but since that was my first race and it was that obvious to me is suspect most regulars also noticed it.

    Why enter him in that race?---That's an approximation of how I think false humility works in the human arena.

    Edit:  I forgot to comment about Jim cleaning up---You are so kind---How much longer did it take you to finish whatever you were doing---LOL  This post was edited by tom jackson at September 14, 2020 1:25 AM MDT
      September 13, 2020 3:42 PM MDT

  • 113301
    To answer your question first. About 20 minutes longer. It wasn't a big deal and tell you truth that isn't the first time it happened. I have said on occasion " I'll do something else until you're done" and then I do something else. I can't say "YOU'RE IN MY WAY PLEASE LEAVE". That would be honest but hurtful and why would I knowingly want to do that? I don't and in a way it helps to know I'm not the only one "afflicted" with a loving "helper".  As for your backing off from fruitless conversation I say GOOD. You have ways to invest your time that make more sense. In fact that's where "what's in it for you?" fits perfectly. You need to get some ROI for your time. I know I do. Some friends have been banned because they can't let anything go. It's against their nature to just move on. Me? I move on so easily and in fact there are certain monikers I totally ignore engaging with because I know what's in store and I don't see how it benefits me. Also it's useless for common sense/logic to try to get through to nonsense.gibberish. Different languages entirely. That friend whose picks were all WINNERS? What are the odds of that? As for "false humility" do you mean playing dumb? I'm not sure I understand what you mean. I never do that. I am that from time to time and I don't mind admitting it. But I would never fake "not knowing" when I know or think I do. That's lying. How is that a good thing? Thank you for your reply tom and Happy Monday to thee and thine! :)
      September 14, 2020 1:36 AM MDT

  • 7280
    False humility is basically denying your God-given qualities.  If one is smart and knowledgeable, I think one has a moral obligation to speak up when one confronts error---especially when it is promulgation by virtue of the undeserved protection of "respect."
      September 14, 2020 1:35 PM MDT