In 1981 in the U.K., December 8 to be exact, a documentary was shown titled "WARMING WARNING" and it was all about how humans are contributing VERY BIGLY to it.
Anyone notice we did nothing about it? Nothing significant? Nothing manifestly intelligent?
Anyone notice how certain political crackpots made fun of it and ridiculed it and explained it away? Remember how Al Gore was excoriated when he spoke of it?
1981. Here we are in 2020 and our wildfires are the direct result of our abject stubborness and stupid dumb resistance. Political crackpots rule the world. Their main schtick is ridicule. They are so very good doing it. Proves the depth of their stupidity of course and lack of morality or common sense.
The dipsh** says "sweep the forest floors and all will be okay". Something else about which he is completely ignorant that he is an expert on. It is never ending.
Expect more global warming punishment for ignoring what was coming. We knew. We were warned. We were told. And we chose to "downplay" it just like the dipsh** downplayed his pumkina** virus. Thousands died who should have lived and would have had we had a different president. Thousands will die from global warming too because once again the evil pols chose to make fun of it rather than do something about it. I don't know how much more stupid dumb we can endure until we become extinct. Do you?