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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What dipsh** adoring worshippers fear bigly is antifa invading their neighborhoods and raping drugging murdering 'em. What they should fear?

What dipsh** adoring worshippers fear bigly is antifa invading their neighborhoods and raping drugging murdering 'em. What they should fear?

The pumpkina** virus invading your neighborhoods and making you very ill and killing some of you and permanently damaging some of you.

Fear the red herring. That's all that the dipsh** sells. His adoring worshippers alwasy buy what he sells which is why as they try to confront the red herrings they die from ignoring the real enemy! The real threat. Shell game. The dipsh** plays it well. He ALWAYS FOOLS HIS MARKS. ALWAYS.

Posted - September 13, 2020


  • 35039
    They will not start that crap in my town.  Too many rednecks ready to defend. 

    They did protest a specific business here. The BLM people on one side and supporters of the business on the other with their ARs.   It remained peaceful. 

    (This is not the protest my son participated in...that was against police brutality shortly after Floyd's death.)

    There have been several towns who were directly threatened and the locals even sheriffs...let them know it would not be tolerated. This post was edited by my2cents at September 13, 2020 7:30 AM MDT
      September 13, 2020 7:01 AM MDT