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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The Founding Fathers blew it bigly. The requirements to be president should have included that the candidate was a HUMAN BEING. Why?

The Founding Fathers blew it bigly. The requirements to be president should have included that the candidate was a HUMAN BEING. Why?

They assumed only human beings would be interested in running for head of the country.

Enter dipsh**. Inhumane inhuman whatever it is. Old enough and allegedly "born" in New York. A demon seed or is all his so-called history fake phony just like he is?

So here we are stuck with an empty headed empty shell demon whose power so far cannot be curtailed.

That in itself should have clued you in that this "whatever it is" certainly isn't a human being. Now you know. Deal with it. Get a grip. Whatcha gonna do?

Posted - September 14, 2020


  • 17081
    There should definitely be a MAXIMUM as well as a minimum age. Senility is unbecoming in the "leader of the free world", and the stress of the top job frequently prematurely ages much younger men. Reagan was quite clearly losing his grip during the 1984 campaign, and he was only playing the role of President rather than actually being it. Neither Trump NOR Biden should qualify.
      September 14, 2020 2:41 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Good point. As I was not thrilled in 2016 to be left with Hillary I am not thrilled once again to be left with Joe. Maybe 20 years ago? I don't know. But he's the only game in town I wish to play so I will vote for him and then I will pray. But here's the thing that excites me. Kamala Harris. Sad that it is the veep I appreciate bigly being a Californian and having voted for her for various offices for years and not the head on the ticket. But Joe was SMART ENOUGH to choose her so I have HIGH HOPES. That isn't the hurdle we face. What is the dipsh** going to do to blow things up? That's what gets me very nervous and on edge R! Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday to thee and thine! :)
      September 14, 2020 3:05 AM MDT

  • 3719
    Over the last two weeks the American satirist Joe Queenan has been reading a series of essays on BBC Radio Four, entitled From The Mayflower To The Moon And Back Again, giving his take on American history.

    In one he added a sly aside something like, "this was when Americans voted for intelligent Presidents" - I forget which one he was talking about. In another he remarked on the President of the time, back in the 19C being interested in and quite knowledgeable of science.  
      September 14, 2020 5:31 PM MDT