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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The dipsh** and his "forest management" crap turned a public meeting into one behind closed doors. HE IS A BOOR A BORE isn't he?

The dipsh** and his "forest management" crap turned a public meeting into one behind closed doors. HE IS A BOOR A BORE isn't he?

When people are desperate and need help what does he do? Attacks insults demeans denigrates. He is so GRATE GREAT at doing that isn't he though? The dipsh** dumbbell stupid dumb idiotman is always dependable predictable. WE know what is going come out of that mouth. It never travels  through a brain because well there is none. Straight from his gut and his a**. What do you expect? Intelligence? Logic? SMARTS? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Seriously?

Posted - September 14, 2020


  • 2706
    According to Wikipedia California produces more renewable energy than any other state in the United States.[1] In 2018, California ranked first in the nation as a producer of electricity from solar, geothermal, and biomass resources and fourth in the nation in conventional hydroelectric power generation.[2] As of 2017, over half of the electricity (52.7%) produced was from renewable sources.

      Yet California still blames "climate change" and Trump of course, for all of their environmental woes? How many times does someone have to remind California that it is their environmentalist approach that has caused what you are experiencing now with the out of control wildfires? The water shortage there doesn't help matters either. Another California environmental failure. Face it, the incompetency of your state government is glaringly obvious. What will it take for the citizens of California to finally say to their politicians, enough is enough, we need a change?

      It's time for California to stop blaming President Trump, everyone, and everything else for your government's perpetual ignorance, and ignorance of how a real citizen-centered Constitutional government is run.
      September 14, 2020 12:52 PM MDT