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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Nothing to fear here. The only people who believe the dipsh** is his base. They believve what he tells them. No one else does. Why Worry?

Nothing to fear here. The only people who believe the dipsh** is his base. They believve what he tells them. No one else does. Why Worry?

All the allegeations about rigging is laughable. Only his base buys it. The toady sycophants adoring worshippers and lemmings. They are NOT THE MAJORITY OF THE AMERCAN PEOPLE. THEY ARE THE MINORITY.

Let him spread his lies. NO ONE but his gullibles believes a word he says.

Of course you do have the barfbarr who will corrupt undermine sabotage and illegally interfere and do whatever he can to support the lie. How bad he is and how awful it gets will be due to him not we the people.

We the people know better. The dipsh** base does not. Problem solved if the barfbarr can be disbarred. How long does it take to disbarr a SNAKE?

Posted - September 16, 2020


  • 7280
    You should remember this maxim, Rosie:  "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups."

    I think it's applicable in this situation.
      September 16, 2020 4:28 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I just found out something INCREDIBLY EXCITING from our Canadian pal Nanoose! He said that a Fox News person told the dipstick that weekly interviews might not be happening. Apparently dipstick said he would call in every Monday or Tuesday and the Fox News guy said "don't call us. We'll call you" or words to that effect. HOW EXCITING IS THAT? If FOX abandons him what will he do? I'm going to Google it and see what the details are. Because if Fox is turning a deaf ear won't that trickle out to the adoring worshippers or they lost forever? Oy vey! Your cautionary words are not being ignored. I know I should count our chickens before they're hatched but maybe theif embryoless duds? Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday to thee and thine. I wonder waht the dipstick will tweet about FOX today? :):):)):)
      September 17, 2020 1:44 AM MDT