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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » If the MAJORITY doesn't win and doesn't rule then there is no such thing as JUSTICE being served. The popular vote LOSER wins? WHAT?

If the MAJORITY doesn't win and doesn't rule then there is no such thing as JUSTICE being served. The popular vote LOSER wins? WHAT?

Bullsh** politics. Shell game. Now you see it now you don't.
 It's easier to manipulate the "electoral college high and mighty movers and shakers" than to manipulte hundreds of millions of voters.

Bah humbug.

An Answermug friend sez the Founding Fathers didn't trust the people to vote so they set up something to hamstring them forever. Because they were so much smarter and knew so much better than the "people".

Who the he** did they think they were? Well they were wealthy white slave owners for starters. That contributed to the disdain and contempt they felt for "we the people". Nothing has changed since then.

The rich and powerful and white still have contempt for "the little people" as that witch Leona Helmsley called us. We are always and forever the "little people". Sheesh. Who is kidding whom here?

Posted - September 17, 2020
