Do you appreciate those who don't use GOD as a political device/weapon/SCHTICK to capture your vote?
Do you appreciate those who believe in and follow SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE?
Do you wonder why candidates as so weak on their own they have to bring in a RINGER who was not asked or consulted?
Or do you not care at all about whatever connivances or contrivances or devices and tricks and lies they use to get votes because you believe ALL IS FAIR IN LOVE AND WAR AND POLITICS? Inquiring minds wanna know these things!
Allegedly, "lay lines" are magical force lines that traverse the Earth. The closer you are to a strong "lay line", or an intersection of multiple lines, makes it easier to use magic and more of it.
Pyramid power refers to the belief that the ancient Egyptian pyramids and objects of similar shape can confer a variety of benefits. Among these assumed properties are the ability to preserve foods, sharpen or maintain the sharpness of razor blades, improve health, function "as a thought-form incubator", trigger sexual urges, and cause other effects. Such unverified theories regarding pyramids are collectively known as pyramidology. (Wikipedia)
I guess that explains how every civilization that conquered the world had pyramids.
Oh, wait ....