Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » Ladies, how do you feel about a guy who wants a full body pic?

Ladies, how do you feel about a guy who wants a full body pic?

I just find it a bit forward, if you are just getting to know someone. Do you give one, or tell them no, or just not reply back? Someone I do enjoy
has written again to me, after requesting one, but I still don't know if I should respond , or not... most ppl tell me people who want that are looking for
your appearance mainly vs. your heart /mind. 

Posted - October 11, 2016


  • 34993
    I think a good rule to follow is: 
    Don't send/post it unless you would be fine with your Mother seeing it on the front page of the newspaper.
      October 11, 2016 6:32 PM MDT

  • 17653
    Don't send it.  I'm not sure online is a good place for you to meet men.  The questions you ask lead me to that conclusion.
      October 11, 2016 7:05 PM MDT

  • 477
    Hmm. I wouldn't feel good if he asked for it. But I probably wouldn't wait around for him to ask anyway. Idk. I don't think it's unreasonable, since if you were to meet in person, your body would be the first thing he'd see. But it's easy to tell when that's all a guy is after, so trust your instincts. 
      October 11, 2016 6:43 PM MDT

  • 1138
    Yeah I like 'him', but it is very soon to be wondering what 'full body' looks like , to me anyway. I know men are visual, but women are too- we just don't base our main likes on just physicality. I just could not ask a guy, can I see your full body? I'd be implying I need to assess it, or really see what he looks like head to toe to like him....thing is I like this guy, he is kind and witty... I feel like I want to say why I'm not replying to him, or just back off for a bit, not sure... ty lovely *huggg
      October 11, 2016 6:56 PM MDT

  • 17653
    Just tell him you aren't ready to do that.  If he can't leave it alone, leave him alone.
      October 11, 2016 7:07 PM MDT

  • 1138
    Thx Thrifty.. only thing is, he said he didn't mean a 'nude'.. jsut a regular full body. I just feel it is only to just assess me though... I've only chatted a bit with him, not long, and it is just soon , in my opinion. I don't want to feel like a prude saying 'I don't do that' b/c it's not a nude he wants.  I just dont' know how to say, 'I feel you are only wanting to see my body then, not get to know 'me' ' .. although I guess I could just say that... Ty for your reply, appreicate it...
      October 11, 2016 7:15 PM MDT

  • 17653
    Say what you feel.  Say no.  Not now.  He'll say when.  Say when you are comfortable.  That is a litmus test for me.  If saying something makes me uncomfortable and the other person continues the pursuit, I know he doesn't have respect for me.  Don't use this unless you really want to know because it produces a fact.  The last time I used it it was crushing for me.  I even tried to ignore it but the disrespect screamed at me at every turn from then on  and we were over very soon.    If you care about someone, the one thing you DO NOT want them to be is uncomfortable.
      October 11, 2016 7:31 PM MDT

  • 1138
    Last line was immeasurable. EVERYONE should read that and learn it, for any person they talk to or care for, online or real life, in their life. I think I will jsut say what I feel, after waiting a bit.. and I agree, if someone just keeps at it, it's like them saying 'I don't care what you say or feel, I am going to behave how 'I' want.' I have real life friends that did that recently.. they made me feel so bad for not meeting up a couple times, and poked fun at me repeatedly, and when I said, ok that's enough of a joke... they still did it again w/another situation. I thought, they don't care what I feel... even though I cared so much how they did, would never be rude, crass etc... oh well. Ty again so much for this advice friend.. I have learned that I need to stand for 'me' once in a while not just give in to make everyone else always feel great- I've done that since I was about 6 yrs. old. :/ Ty again...
      October 11, 2016 7:42 PM MDT

  • 17653
    Thanks and I'm glad you see what I'm saying.  Take care...................of you first!
      October 11, 2016 8:20 PM MDT

  • 46117

    or not?
      October 11, 2016 6:45 PM MDT

  • 1138
    Not nude, but I still feel like if someone is asking to see 'me' so soon in a full body pic, do they just care for the physicality of someone? I just couldn't request that of a guy ,  I'd fear it would make me look shallow- plus I'd never ask for one personally b/c I don't Care if he's chubby, thin, etc. If I like HIM, and I'm also attracted to his face pic, there is not much need- esp. that I'm not chatting w/this person to date them really... I don't know, I guess I'll just wait a bit to reply .. I do like him otherwise though
      October 11, 2016 6:59 PM MDT

  • 1138
    Yes Winged, ty :) I get that people, mainly guys are visual, but to request something within a week of getting to know each other? I just felt it was to just see my 'look' and then base me on that :( Maybe it's not, it was just a feeling I had. I'm just not certain to back away first, or say right away, 'this makes me feel less like you want to know 'me' ? '
      October 11, 2016 7:44 PM MDT

  • 1138
    Thx friend :) "huggs" .. I jsut feel if I say what I think, it will dampen things, but what can you do. ... Guess if it does do that, then you know someone mainly is looking for a certain body only, or physical type of attraction... ty for saying my feelings are valid and should 'never be ignored'.. I have never believed that; only that 'others' were right, and I was wrong in some way. Ty so much....
      October 11, 2016 8:05 PM MDT

  • Do a search on your first name, followed by "glamour shot" and send him the first full body shot with a gun you find.
      October 11, 2016 7:47 PM MDT

  • 1138
    Ohhh this made me chuckle :)  I do like the person... I just felt it made things way too 'rushed ' forward... I have not forgotten your awesome message T ... tty soon  *huggg
      October 11, 2016 8:07 PM MDT

  • Yeah, I'm kidding. You'll do what's right. Hugs.
      October 11, 2016 8:21 PM MDT

  • Send one, just make it a clothed one.
      October 11, 2016 8:36 PM MDT

  • 3
    If they ask right away they obviously only want one thing. Safety comes first. 
      October 11, 2016 8:49 PM MDT

  • 3191
    It all depends.  I have sent pictures of myself to two guys I met online.  One I ended up dating and both of whom I knew quite well and for quite a while.  Do what you are comfortable with.  
      October 11, 2016 9:04 PM MDT

  • 1138
    Hi friend.. I'm so glad you clicked :) Did they request 'full body' ? I already have shown him one of me, which is of face, but I just felt taken back to now send full body, b/c I feel someone wants to evaluate me based on my look....
      October 11, 2016 9:06 PM MDT

  • 3191
    Actually, no, they just asked for a picture.  I seldom have my picture taken, though, and simply sent the most recent picture I had available, which happened to be a full shot.
      October 11, 2016 9:12 PM MDT

  • 19937
    Why don't you ask him to send a full body photo of himself to you first and see how he reacts.  If he hems and haws, don't send yours.
      October 12, 2016 12:29 PM MDT