Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I wondered if there were languages that were never meant to be spoken, only written? Know what I found out?

I wondered if there were languages that were never meant to be spoken, only written? Know what I found out?

It's the other way around. There are currently 7000 languages spoken today more than half of which have no written form.

One language is mentioned that has never being spoken. A man named Charles Bliss invented BLISSYMBOLS. It was invented to be used for people to learn so they could communicate with one another through the written word but it never caught on.

Once upon a time there was a language called ESPERANTO. This was supposed to be the language everyone learned so they could SPEAK with one another. Whatever happened to it?

Supposedly over half the languages currently spoken will eventually disappear. Doesn't everything disappear after a long enough "eventually"?

Posted - September 20, 2020


  • 44563
    I was just listening to that story on NPR about an hour ago. It was interesting to find out how he came to use the name 'Bliss'. This post was edited by Element 99 at September 21, 2020 2:07 AM MDT
      September 20, 2020 12:33 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Small world. WHAT ARE THE ODDS OF THAT E? That I would ask a question about something you were listening to almost simultaneously? See how stuff like that amazes me? Can the odds be calculated? How would you go about it? I mean I'm in Hemet, California. You are in Toledo, Ohio. I have never listened to NPR. Where do I find it? I know. I will GOOGLE it. I ask all kinds of questions about all kinds of things since I'm interested in almost everything. How many different subjects/topics are there? Billions? On both ends. Mine AND yours? So is it incalculable? Anyway thank you for your reply. Nifty beyond words! :)
      September 21, 2020 2:11 AM MDT

  • 44563
    California NPR Member Stations
    Station City Frequency
    KHSU-FM Arcata 90.5
    KPRX-FM Bakersfield 89.1
    KNCA-FM Burney 89.7
    KCHO-FM Chico 91.7
    KHSR-FM Crescent City 91.9
    KVPR-FM Fresno 89.3
    KXSR-FM Groveland 91.7
    KCRI-FM Indio 89.3
    KKJZ-FM Long Beach 88.1
    KUSC-FM Los Angeles 91.5
    KNSQ-FM Mt. Shasta 88.1
    KQEI-FM North Highlands 89.3
    KCSN-FM Northridge 88.5
    KCRU-FM Oxnard 89.1
    KAZU-FM Pacific Grove 90.3
    KPSC-FM Palm Springs 88.5
    KPCC-FM Pasadena 89.3
    KZYX-FM Philo 90.7
    KFPR-FM Redding 88.9
    KXJZ-FM Sacramento 88.9
    KXPR-FM Sacramento 90.9
    KBDH-FM San Ardo 91.7
    KVCR-FM San Bernardino 91.9
    KPBS-FM San Diego 89.5
    KSDS-FM San Diego 88.3
    KALW-FM San Francisco 91.7
    KQED-FM San Francisco 88.5
    KCBX-FM San Luis Obispo 90.1
    KCSM-FM San Mateo 91.1
    KFAC-FM Santa Barbara 88.7
    KUSP-FM Santa Cruz 88.9
    KCRW-FM Santa Monica 89.9
    KRCB-FM Santa Rosa 91.1
    KUOP-FM Stockton 91.3
    KKTO-FM Tahoe City 90.5
    KCLU-FM Thousand Oaks 88.3
    KCPB-FM Thousand Oaks 91.1
    KZYZ-FM Willits 91.5
    KNYR-FM Yreka 91.3

      September 21, 2020 6:55 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I neglected to mention I don't have a radio. Well I have one but it hasn't worked for years. My son gave it to me and I keep it for old time's sake. When I turn it on all I get is STATIC. Thanks for the info. I wrote down the SAN BERNARDINO one and the PALM SPRING one. They're the closest. Once I buy a radio I'll be set! Appreciate it! :) This post was edited by RosieG at September 21, 2020 7:37 AM MDT
      September 21, 2020 7:09 AM MDT

  • 16662
    Got an iPhone or Android? Both have FM radio apps. Failing that, dust off the radiogram, it might just still work.
      September 21, 2020 5:23 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Hi there! Jim has a fancy dancy phone but I never touch it. I am not a cell phone person R. I'm going to look for a radio today. What is a "radiogram"? Never heard of it. Telegram instagram program hologram but "radiogram"? What is it? Thank you for your reply R and Happy Tuesday to thee and thine. I read that Roger had surgery on his knee so he won't be playing in the French Open. Also at the Master's in Rome Rafa Nadal got beaten on CLAY! WHAT? Yes. I think he was more than a bit shocked. SIGH. Things change. Some are not so hot. :(
      September 22, 2020 1:29 AM MDT

  • 16662
      September 20, 2020 10:13 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Is that a LANGUAGE unique and special R? You "read" with your fingers but isn't what you are reading whatever language you speak? Isn't it a DEVICE? And why can't you speak the language your fingers are "reading"? What am  I missing? Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday. The French Open begins today and Roger won't be there. He had knee surgery. Bummer. But we are looking forward to seeing Ash play. Also tomorrow is the first day of Autumn. Maybe our fires will begin to subsdie. Tally Ho! :) This post was edited by RosieG at September 21, 2020 6:51 AM MDT
      September 21, 2020 1:19 AM MDT

  • 16662
    It's a language, that enables the sightless to communicate in writing. Nobody "speaks" Braille.
      September 21, 2020 5:19 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Okay. The symbols the fingers "read" are words aren't they? If you are "reading" with your fingers why can't you read out loud? I'm sure there are Bibles for the blind. The fingers go over the words. So I'm having trouble understanding what you mean R. Shorthand isn't a language either. I used to take dictation and these funny odd weird symbols were familiar words that anyone who knew what the symbols represented could read. In court the stenographers or whatever you call them have a device that allows them to rapidly take down what is said. Some kind of machine and then they can read back what they wrote. There is no Braille language. It is not apart from whatever language is employed. It is a method to access normal language not a language in itself. No I'm not being purposely thickheaded. I just don't understand what you're trying to communicate to me. Sorry. Thank you for your reply. I bet there are ARMENIAN books in Braille. I wonder how many different languages there are using that device? :)
      September 22, 2020 1:35 AM MDT