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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Burn tobacco. Ingest the smoke. Get lung cancer. Die. What genius thought inhaling tobacco leaves smoke was a good thing?

Burn tobacco. Ingest the smoke. Get lung cancer. Die. What genius thought inhaling tobacco leaves smoke was a good thing?

Smoking was believed to have started 5000-3000 B.C. in Mesoamerica and SouthAmerica. It arrived in Eurasia in the 17th century. Frenchman Jean Nicot (NICOTINE) brought tobacco to France in 1560. The first report of an Englishman smoking was a sailor in Bristol in 1556.

Bloody crackpots. What a stupid thing to do.

Posted - September 23, 2020


  • 3719

    Ah, hindsight!

    No-one could genuinely have known the dangers of what was done as a relaxant and social bond until historically very recently. Far back enough, deaths from lung-cancer by smoking might have been rare because most people did not live as long as we do, even if they survived culling by any of umpteen diseases we can now prevent or cure. 

    For many who did die of lung-cancer, the cause might have been related to work - by inhaling toxic fumes or dust over many years. 

    Some thought smoking was a horrible habit. The 17thC King James wrote an anti-smoking pamphlet I think titled A Counterblaste to Tobacco, railing against the simple unpleasantness of the foul-smelling smoke. That at a time when personal hygiene was somewhat rough and ready, and towns must have been under a foul miasma of human and animal manure and decay smells mixed with smoke from inefficient household fires.

    Until the link to cancer was established, even many doctors smoked, and some thought it beneficial.

    Humans have always loved to do things that are bad for them! 

      September 23, 2020 4:48 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You say "relaxant social bond" m'dear. How? What is relaxing about smoking and why do we need to share a dirty stinky habit with others to socialize? None of it makes any sense to me. Now sharing chocolates or possibly a lovely after-dinner liquere as we talk of things that are mutually interesting. That is relaxing. But in haling hot smoke that has no particular DELICIOUS flavor? Creating ashtrays filled with yuck and muck and ash? Crapping up the air with the foul smells? I honestly do not get it. I get doing it early on when you don't have a clue it's bad for you and you want to stick out of the crowd and do something daring. But once they know smoking can kill them or those around them AND THEY STILL CONTINUE TO DO IT? Seriously isn't taht about the dumbest thing one can do? Homo saps are not bright lights that shine. Some flicker. Some never light up. The very few who do shine are maligned attacked insulted derided by the "cool". SIGH. Thank you for your reply Durdle. Did you ever smoke? If so WHY?
      September 23, 2020 5:31 AM MDT

  • 3719
    I don't smoke, nor understand the appeal, either, so I can only by others' experiences.

    It does seem that smoking is slightly calming, but it is or was common among smokers to offer cigarettes to each other. I don't know if the same applies to cigars and pipe tobacco - it might once have been common when snuff was fashionable.

    When smoking in "places of work", which includes bars and restaurants was banned in Britain a lot of proprietors forecast big losses in trade, but that appears not to have happened, or at least it did for a while but the customers came back. They have to go outside to smoke. Many though, including me, welcomed the move because it meant we could go for a drink with friends, without breathing in all that smoke, and go home with our clothes not reeking of the stuff. 

    Smoking, in this country at least, is now a lot less popular than it used to be.
      September 23, 2020 7:13 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Another confirmation that you are very sensible logical and intelligent. I expect smokers might test high IQ wise but for me being a smoker nullifies any smarts. Just my own standard of intelligence kicking in! Which brings up a question. Do we each have individual standards of what "smart" and "intelligent" is? Mebbe. Thank you for your reply Durdle! :)
      September 23, 2020 7:18 AM MDT