Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We know the demented duck is very anti SCIENCE FACT. We also know of his very NAZI proclivities. How about this?

We know the demented duck is very anti SCIENCE FACT. We also know of his very NAZI proclivities. How about this?

Ordering his "science" peeps like scott atlas to work on creating a super human race like the Nazis did.

The demented duck would of course select all the attributes and the "science" peeps would work to that list of ingredients  or parameters as it were

Knowing the duck as well as I do they would all be bottle blond hot arm candy bimbos stacked.

The guys? They would all look like him since he said when he looks in the mirror he sees 35-year-old and he does think he is very handsome which is why he orange dyes his hair, has hair plugs put in where he is bald and have an orange spray tan applied regularly to his body.

No way? Yes way. One day. Especially if the demented duck gets another crack at us. That is where his head is. You will see.

Posted - September 23, 2020


  • 3719
    Is this what lay behind your earlier but non-political question about basically the same thing?
      September 23, 2020 8:19 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Color me confused. I don't know Durdle. Maybe I already did ask the question. Too much to keep track of. Brain teeming with questions and I can't get rid of them unless until I ask them. Chaos lives inside my head. Sorry but I have no idea! Unsettling though it is! :(
      September 23, 2020 8:22 AM MDT

  • 3719
    I  can't say if Trump has National Socialist leanings or not, although there are plenty among his supporters and he doesn't seem to care about that; but the original Nazis supported science.
      September 23, 2020 4:24 PM MDT

  • 113301
    But it was an ugly twisted bizarre odd peculiar cruel science was it not? I mean didn't they make lampshades out of human skin or is that just an invented horror that never happened? I know the German Scientists were very essential to the development of the Atom bomb, right? The current demented duck is really off his rocker. The question is will anyone who can with any power work against him? Whatcha think? Thank you for your reply Durdle and Happy Thursday! :)
      September 24, 2020 2:21 AM MDT

  • 3719
    Eugenics was a twisted "science", we can see now, though it was not invented by the Nazis. It was devised some time in the late 19C but I don't know by whom, or exactly when; and it had widespread support from the contemporary intelligentsia who sincerely thought it could be a good thing.

    Using human skin is said to have happened but I think in only one camp with a particularly sadistic commandant. What was more common were cruel experiments such as those on hypothermia, commissioned by the Luftwaffe who were concerned for the survival of air-crew shot down over the North Sea. 

    Oh yes, Germany was well on the way to making the atom-bomb. A material necessary in the process is "heavy water" - water whose hydrogen is of a particular isotope, but I don't know the physics - and the German occupiers built a plant to make it, in Norway. Fortunately the Allies found out and destroyed it, putting the development too far back for it to be resumed before the end of the Third Reich.


    What do I think of your esteemed president? Not really for me to say but I think the election will be close. I doubt the revelations about Trump avoiding taxes will make much difference to his supporters. What is more worrying is what he, or his more extreme supporters, might try to do if he loses. 

    Do you have any other parties in the USA, or is it only ever Democrat and Republican?
      September 28, 2020 4:38 PM MDT