Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » There is a molecular link between intelligence and curiosity. The areas of the brain that control learning and memory control curiosity! SO?

There is a molecular link between intelligence and curiosity. The areas of the brain that control learning and memory control curiosity! SO?

Well that explains the complete lack of curiosity of mobs and throngs and groups. They never ever QUESTION the dear leader. They never ever ask 'WHY"? They are born to just obey accept obey accept obey accept.

How intelligent then are any of them if they never ever ask WHY? Incurious obedient devoted loyal.

That is how despot dictators gain power. Also the never ask why homo saps are terribly afraid. Terrified. Horrified. Scared. Of what? Of "the other" whatever form "the other" is that the dear leader shoved up their butts and down their throats.

They believe everything the dear leader says. No exceptions. He knows they dare not ever even think to question him thus assuring his power over them.

And so it goes. The great unwashed incurious roll on and on and on.

The rest of the world suffers because of it. And them.

We are doomed if we do not figure out a way to fight. They propagate like maggots and instill in their progeny more of what they be. Don't question. Obey. Don't question. Obey. Don't question. Obey. Oy vey! :(

Posted - September 25, 2020
