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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Is the life you live a result of choices you make or is it simply your destiny/fate? How can you know which?

Is the life you live a result of choices you make or is it simply your destiny/fate? How can you know which?

You could be programmed to think you have freedom of choice when in fact you have no such thing. What you do say think is the product of another an other. Ridiciulous you say? Are You Sure? Why? Ridiculous is embraced as is absurd and worshipped and obeyed and revered and honored as is evil cruelty. Embraced and celebrated. No more ridiculous than thinking you are what you CHOOSE to be and not what you are DESTINED to be.

Easy pickings. Sitting ducks. Gullibles. All the same in the dark.

Posted - September 26, 2020


  • 35073
    Every action you do and those around you do effect you life. We all have free will.
      September 26, 2020 5:49 AM MDT