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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Republicans say there will be a peaceful transfer of power. The demented duck said there won't. ONLY IF IF ONLY?

Republicans say there will be a peaceful transfer of power. The demented duck said there won't. ONLY IF IF ONLY?

The only possibility of peaceful will be the demented duck chokehold on the presidency.

Anything else anything else there will be no peaceful anything

So the cowardly spineless eunuch toady sycophants and the demented duck are not on the same page. Will they roll over lie down beg play dead as they always do and change their positions?  Track records insist they'll cave. When don't they?

Posted - September 26, 2020


  • 33860
    The will be a peaceful transfer of power...when Trump completes his terms...Jan 20 2025.  

    Trump is simply saying the same thing he said last time. He is reserving his right to contest the result if there is evidence of fraud or irregularities in the count. 

    Not different than Hillary telling Biden not to concede under any circumstances. 
      September 26, 2020 6:32 AM MDT