This is no longer the country I once knew.
This used to be a proud country. It used to be an honor to be able to say, “I’m an American”. This country used to stand for freedom and democracy. Other countries respected and admired it. This country used to be known as The Land of Opportunity - a place where people from anywhere on earth could come and start a new life. When disasters happened in other countries, the citizens of this country proudly rose to come to their aid, not caring what it might cost them. It was a country where neighbor helped neighbor. It didn’t matter if that neighbor was from California, New York, Florida or anywhere in-between. It didn’t matter if they were a republican or a democrat or something else. Everyone was an American… and that’s all that mattered.
Now this country is just arrogant. From sea to shining sea, it’s filled with selfishness and hatred. Civil unrest is rampant. This countries citizens only care about themselves. They’re at each other’s throat, each demanding that their individual rights supersede everyone else’s. If someone doesn’t get their way they, they sue. And if they don’t like the outcome of that suit, they go to another court and then another until they find one that agrees with them. It’s now only a land of opportunity for the rich. The poor are forced to live in the streets while the wealthy make the laws and bask in luxury. Where once there was united states, there are now divided states. The once amber waves of grain are now red and blue - and they hate each other. Political divisiveness is so strong that Citizens will shoot other citizens simply for displaying the wrong political sign in their yard or on their car. Common decency had been replaced by political party. Yet instead of helping and trying to calm people down, the government actually encourages anarchy. The country is no longer admired by the rest of the world, rather it has become odious to it. It’s nothing more than a laughingstock and a bother. It doesn’t stop there. From coast to coast, this country is plagued by natural disasters – fires, hurricanes, droughts, floods, diseases. It’s almost as if the very land itself is saying, “I’ve had enough of you!”
This country is dead. Unfortunately, the people in it are too busy fighting each other to notice. They’re so caught up in themselves that they can’t smell the stench of purification that surrounds them.
By letting him get away with his illegal actions (and sanctioning them as well), his “party” is only hasting the death of this country. They all (including the president) took an oath to serve the country. Yet, instead of serving the country, they only served themselves. They put their selfish pride and reputation ahead of all else, and in doing so have brought the country to utter ruin.
It’s sad to say, but perhaps this country needs taken down. trump is by no means forcing people do what they are doing across the country. He’s merely a catalyst. They like his foolish talk because they too are foolish and vainglorious. The people of this country have become absorbed in serving themselves than being moral upright citizens. Justice in this country has become a mockery. Courts favor the wealthy – even when it is blatantly obvious that they’re guilty. A rich man and a poor man commit the same crime, yet their “punishment” is as different as night and day. Corporations oppress their workers and cheat them out of their wages. People lie, cheat and even kill to get money. In many places, it’s no longer safe to walk the street in broad daylight. School shootings. Kids killing kids. People believing they are justified in killing others simply because they don’t like what they did. When caught, murders, rapists, pedophiles and other such depraved people merely get a slap on the wrist and are put back out into society to continue their perverted behavior. It’s sad that this once good country has sunk so low. There are still many good people here, but they’re being outnumbered by the fools. It’s unfortunate that they must suffer for the actions of others.