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How do we give ourselves permission to obtain independence, happiness, joy and a 'self'?

Many days I don't feel I have a 'self', someone who is meant to be here, I often feel like I should be invisible. I don't have my own place and have never dated, b/c of years of systematic abuse... I feel if I have those things, somehow I'd be thinking I'm 'better' than someone else. I was taught to believe that even saying my opinion, even a positive one, that I was being 'rebellious'.. it has affected my life negatively. How can one just give themselves permission to have their own space, joy/love, a partner/ spouse etc without feeling they do not deserve it?

Posted - October 12, 2016


  • 5808
    You are complete
    you have everything you need to be happy
    and full of joy within you.
    Find your bliss and live it.

    You are the captain of your ship
    and will go in whatever direction you choose
    your current situation is what you have chosen and embrace.

    Just like a radio can change the dial
    in an instant.

    for you are a beautifully divine soul
    you just need to realize that 
    and embrace it on a daily basis...

      October 12, 2016 10:08 AM MDT

  • Go to YT and check out some of the videos from "The School of Life".
      October 12, 2016 10:10 AM MDT

  • 3375
    It's a process Baybreeze.  You're on the right path just knowing something is off.  Been there.  

    Guess with me, it was going through my adult life and realizing I successfully handled many tough situations without much help.  It was a very slow realization, but at some point, I knew I had a right to happiness and success like anyone else.  

    Life is still a real bitch at times, but I am pretty confident and always hold out hope for the next day. This post was edited by PeaPod is just popping by at October 12, 2016 7:55 PM MDT
      October 12, 2016 10:54 AM MDT

  • 1138
    Thank you Peapod .. so much. I really liked, 'realizing I successfully handles many tough situations without much help.' You always give such kind , warm and true advice... thanks again :)
      October 12, 2016 7:56 PM MDT

  • 3375
    You are quite welcome.  :)
      October 12, 2016 9:16 PM MDT

  • 8274
      Think about who your S/O has spent more "time" with and who the person has "talked" to the most in the last 9 years.  Who your S/O really supports. Where was he last year when his supposed love was treated so badly.  Didn't hear a whimper out of him then. Then say, I sure don't need this *hit.
    He can't even recognize something being done that was so important and is working against me. 
    This post was edited by Art Lover at October 12, 2016 11:00 AM MDT
      October 12, 2016 10:59 AM MDT