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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » For all you oldtimers out there remember Art Linkletter's TV show KIDS SAY THE DARNDEST THINGS?

For all you oldtimers out there remember Art Linkletter's TV show KIDS SAY THE DARNDEST THINGS?

Darndest because he asked kids questions which they answered honestly as best they could. No "lie" filter for them. No "partisan scripted text" for them to embrace memorize and regurgitate on cue. Ad lib.

Why kids? Why not adults? 'Adults say the darndest things". No one would watch or believe any of  them because we know full well adults lie all the time to aggrandize and fake out and set up and con and scam and trick and undermine and brainwash. Pols make a living out of it as do their adoring worshippers. LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE. All the time every time they open their mouths to QUACK.

Kids on the other hand?

So that's why I think we need a kid president. Not a lying old fool. Just for a change. Just to see what would happen. How old a "kid"? A teenager. A BRILLIANT GENIUS teenager. What could it hurt to try it out? What we got is dreck scum slime filth. How could it be any worse? I know. The Constitution would have to be amended right? Oh no not at all. It could just be ignored completely the way the demented duck does. He set a precedent. What could it hurt to have others ignore it too? It has worked so very well for him and the country hasn't it?

Posted - September 28, 2020


  • 33860
    I have seen reincarnations of the show.  With Cosby and then more recently another lady but I don't remember her name. 

    A teen president....somehow I think that would be crazy.  They wpuld get run over between the long experienced politicans and the establishment class.   
      September 28, 2020 4:09 AM MDT