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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Phyllis Schlaffy was a traitor to her gender opposing feminism abortion and the EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT. Cancelled speeches for what reason?

Phyllis Schlaffy was a traitor to her gender opposing feminism abortion and the EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT. Cancelled speeches for what reason?

When her husband told her she was "away from home too much"

She died a coupla years ago. Taking her place is the gonna be new Justice Amy? Another traitor to her gender?

She belongs/belonged to a sub "cult" of the Catholic religion called the PEOPLE OF PRAISE. Believe that a woman's role is SUBMISSIVE to her husband and they were referred to as HANDMAIDS until the movie THE HANDMAID'S TALE was released. Then they changed the description of the nature of that beast. Same beast. Behind a mask.

Independent? We already know she is not.

A fitting replanting of the an old well-
worn and sacred are the boss and women OBEY.

Sheesh. Turn back the clock. She will remind women of their place which is a few paces behind their men obediently bowing and scraping and obeying.

Just what we need to replace Ruth Bader Ginsberg. An EXACT OPPOSITE. A NEGATIVE of the photo we all saw for decades of a dynamic INDEPENDENT WOMAN. Judge Amy is the delight of bossy men and fearful women.

Thrilling isn't it to regain the place women always held in the hearts of men? Barefoot pregnant in the bedroom or kitchen. Always silent and obedient never questioning any decision the man of the house makes.


Posted - September 28, 2020


  • 6023
    According to NPR this morning, there isn't enough evidence of her judicial thoughts on the issues of abortion, gay marriage, or "bodily rights" to predict how she will rule on any of those issues.  Basically, she has no rulings or writings or speeches to predict how she may rule on those issues.
      September 28, 2020 8:34 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Her religion is speaking for her. If she can SEPARATE CHURCH AND STATE COMPLETELY fine. If she cannot then not so hot Walt. Subservient to men and referred to as handmaids? Seriously? Does not bode well for women in general if she rules as her religion might and could dictate. If women should always be subservient to men then sexual assault is not anything I'd want her to rule on. The man wants the woman's body. He rules. She loses. I know. An extreme but then this is dame is an EXTREME RIGHT WING CONSERVATIVE. We'll see. Thank you for your reply Walt.
      September 28, 2020 8:48 AM MDT

  • 6023
    Since she has no writings/decisions - to go by her religious beliefs would violate the Constitutional prohibition against religious tests.
    So we'll see how Congress handles the hearing.
      September 28, 2020 1:12 PM MDT

  • 113301
    CONGRESS? You mean the House? The SENATE is a shoo-in to confirm a maggot if that's what the duck wants. The son of an itch moscow mitch will push it through. A no brainer. A sure thing.
    She believes women are SUBSERVIENT to men. She belongs or belonga to a cult where women were referred to as HANDMAIDS until the movie The Handmaids Tale came out and then it was changed to something else. The cult did not change. They just tried to whitewash it. If women are subservient to men then in ways at all times a man will always be right in her eyes and woman will just have to accept it. This dame is a crapper and having her fill the spot of Ruth Bader Ginsberg is an outrageous contemptible thing. RBG FOUGHT all her life for women's rights. And this crapper will vote to reverse everything RBG ever fought for believed in and achieved. A perfect pretty empty headed obedient "little woman". What a revolting development that is. Just my opinion. You don't think the duck would want anything else in that job do you? A woman who "knows her place". That is his cuppa tea. This post was edited by RosieG at September 29, 2020 1:56 AM MDT
      September 29, 2020 1:55 AM MDT

  • 33860
    More FAKE NEWS. Proving that is what they are. 

    The Handmaiden's Tale is based off a group called People of Hope.   Not People of Praise.  They are two entirely different groups.

      September 28, 2020 5:54 PM MDT