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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The Lincoln-Douglas debates were for a SENATE seat not the presidency. When Lincoln ran for president he did not debate. Started when?

The Lincoln-Douglas debates were for a SENATE seat not the presidency. When Lincoln ran for president he did not debate. Started when?

Debates were few and far between until the Kennedy Nixon debates were televised on TV. That was the kick start and today televiside debates between presidential candidates is an institution.

What if any is the value of having them?

How does being a better debater mean you will be a better president?

Posted - September 29, 2020


  • 6023
    In fact, the first televised debate occurred four years earlier, when Democratic candidate Adlai Stevenson challenged incumbent Republican president Dwight Eisenhower—but those two men did not appear in the debate. Instead, on November 4, 1956, two surrogates debated the issues on network television: for the Democrats, former First Lady and party icon Eleanor Roosevelt; for the Republicans, the senior senator from Maine, Margaret Chase Smith. That’s right—the first televised presidential debate featured two women.

    Why didn't Presidential debates take place earlier?
    Basically, there was no nationwide communications before television.
    Sure, there was radio - but it was less organized than TV was, with most stations independently owned and unaffiliated.

      September 29, 2020 2:05 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Geez Walt I was 19 then and not remotely interested in politics. But ELEANOR ROOSEVELT and MARGARET CHASE SMITH? Wow! I'd love to see/hear that debate now. I wonder if the tape survived? What a precious thing that would be to have available.

    Do you think debates are helpful or hurtful? Thank you for your reply and the link and the info! :)
      September 30, 2020 3:23 AM MDT