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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The first "gun" was the fire lance invented in CHINA in the 10th century. How did homo saps ever survive without guns?

The first "gun" was the fire lance invented in CHINA in the 10th century. How did homo saps ever survive without guns?

How did they murder one another and protect themselves?

Bows and Arrows? Slingshots? Knives? Lances? Rocks?

Imagine surving all those CENTURIES without home armories loaded with everything from a beebee gun to an AK 47? I know you can't. Too awful to contemplate! Whom would you be without ever present loaded gun to protect yourself and also take out anyone you think goes against the demented duck? Too horrible to think about isn't it? Worry not. Y'all will have all of the guns you ever wanted in all your born days. Million of them in every size with bullets galore and more and more and more and more.

The first cannons showed up in Italy in 1320.

How many cannons do YOU own?

Posted - October 1, 2020


  • 6023
    Actually, prior to firearms, there were a larger number of home "armories" in many nations.
    England, for example, required every household to maintain a certain level of armory - based on the person's status.
    From peasants with bows/arrows ... to Lords with knight weapons/armor.

    China had a similar system.
    As did most (if not all) feudal societies.
    It was the least expensive way to have the ability to quickly field a large military.

    This is also where the "a man's home is his castle" doctrine of common law comes from.
    Besides being expected to use those weapons for the defense of the realm when called upon, they could use them to defend their home from criminals.

    The current situation of many homes NOT having "armories" is a relatively new development.
    Partly because it would be so much easier for People to overthrow governments, and partly because we now have professional police forces that allegedly protect us from criminals.

      October 1, 2020 7:28 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Geez Walt you keep blowing my mind with historical stuff I never know anything whatsoever about. REQUIRED armories of whatever was the weapon du jour of the time? REQUIRED? Oh boy. I love your use of the word  "ALLEGEDLY" protect us from.... I don't know if you've noticed but I ALLEGEDLY all the time every day. You do that when you have no clue what's true and what's not! Thank you for your informative reply. As usual I appreciate that very much. I'm not of being REQUIRED TO do what I don't want to do. Are you?
      October 1, 2020 10:56 AM MDT

  • 3719
    There is nothing new about warfare, nor about armed criminals.

    What we have now are more ways to kill more people more easily and more rapidly than in ages past.
      October 1, 2020 3:11 PM MDT