Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » republicans by the millions are working very hard day and night to prevent a free and fair election from occurring. Why?

republicans by the millions are working very hard day and night to prevent a free and fair election from occurring. Why?

Obviously to keep the duck in power by any means possible. They are robocalling people with false information. Robocalling to instill fear. Robocalling to confuse obfuscate block minimize cripple the American election system. Millions of them everywhere every minute of every day. They know that a free and fair election will be the death of them and the duck and they must "win" again to keep power to continue destroying America.

This is an enormous tragedy happening every day. The outcome can go either way. People will either roll over and obey lie down beg play dead on demand or unplug from disgust or stay and fight and fight and fight to get  done what needs to get done to do what's right.

Everyone is on the line. Every soul is being tested. Every person everywhere has a choice. To do what is RIGHT or to do the opposite. Frankly the ordinary duck supporter doesn't have the right stuff to do that. Some republicans are bailing and speaking out and speaking up and advocating voting for Joe Biden! The LINCOLN PROJECT is made up of former Republicans who are very smart who are running devastatingly truthful ads to knock some sense into the heads of the true believers aodring worshippers of the demented duck. I doubt they will blink.

So are we strong enough and smart enough and faithful enough to do what is right to keep up that fight? I hope so. I think so. I believe so. What choice do we have but to go in and fight?

Postal workers everywhere are ignoring the deJoy vile infidel idiot puppetclown and the demented duck who is the lapdog puppet of Putin as we all know and the postal workers are deying the vermin and doing their best to perform lifesaving maneuvers so the post office can do its job despite the sabotage of the "dear leade" and his and jacka** appointee. We see you .We know what you are. We will fight you and win. Watch us!

Posted - October 2, 2020
