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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Republican Senator Mike Lee is virused. How many more will drop like flies? Can moscow mitch get a SCOTUS justice confirmed?

Republican Senator Mike Lee is virused. How many more will drop like flies? Can moscow mitch get a SCOTUS justice confirmed?

Do the confirmers have to be there IN PERSON or can they confirm from a hospital when they are on a ventilator so they can breathe and stay alive? I mean you can't confirm anyone if you are dead now can you?

What are the rules for that? Could it be that the son of an itch is getting his hand slapped for sticking it in the cookie jar once too often? I dunno. Stay tuned. This republican lookinglass life gets more queerly peculiar daily. What next? The mitch gets virused ? I don't know how this tale ends but it sure is twisting and turning oddly. Keeps ya guessing.

Posted - October 3, 2020
