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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The duck said his two favorite books are THE BIBLE and the art of the deal. When asked about THE BIBLE know what the duck said?

The duck said his two favorite books are THE BIBLE and the art of the deal. When asked about THE BIBLE know what the duck said?

First he was asked if he would share some of his favorite passages. He said no. That was too personal. That was something he would keep to himself. But that THE BIBLE is very special to him. Very precious.
And so on and so on and so on. He refused to answer the question. Wouldn't even give a favorite passage. Not even one.

The other interesting question he was asked is whether he preferred the OLD TESTAMENT or the NEW TESTAMENT.
He said he liked them both equally.

Do you?

For those of you who are BIBLE FOLK do you prefer both equally or do you relate more to one than to the other?

Too personal a question? You think the bible is very special and very precious and you do NOT want to share any of that with anyone?

Really? Okey dokey. I'm a NEW TESTAMENT preferer. GOD IS LOVE was what I grew up being told. Not a vengeful jealous revengeful GOD that terrifies everyone and demands obedience OR ELSE! Not my cuppa tea.

As for favorite passages? Well I'm not a scholar but I've always been very partial to the 23rd Psalm. The Lord is my Shepherd. It is has been comforting to me since I was a very young child. Especially the part about restoring my soul. Even as a young child my soul was this very mysterious thing I could not touch or see or locate. But it was always there in everyone though some act as if they have none. But I digress.

The duck reply about the Old and New Testament reminded me of his answer about the Charlotte TRAGIC DISASTER. "THERE ARE GOOD PEOPLE ON BOTH SIDES"  WHITE SUPREMACIST RACISTS AND those they hate on and march against and vilify and smite. The duck enjoys covering all his bases. Apparently. Allegedly.

Posted - October 4, 2020


  • 3719

    Usually, sincere Christians are only too happy to quote if not chapter as well, then certainly verse, from their favourite Bible passages! I am sure they will have parts especially pertinent to them, but ones I have heard will spare you the details and just say something like "I found it a comfort at a difficult time".

    I'm not religious but if that second question was framed as you say, I reckon it was rather a silly question. That's because whatever you think about individual parts of it, the entire book is really a single anthology in which the OT describes the background to the Jewish society and beliefs continued by the NT. (Christianity as such, came later.) Indeed, modern church services refer to both Old and New. 
      October 8, 2020 4:40 PM MDT

  • 113301
    The GOD of the Old Testament was to be feared and obeyed OR ELSE!. HE was jealous and demanded complete fealty. The GOD of the New Testament? Kinder gentler and nothing remotely scary there so I prefer that version/iteration. But of course what you say is true. THE BIBLE consists of old and new. But as with any book we have our favorite parts. Of course the dumb cluck duck has never read it so of course he can't share anything about it with anyone. He held it upside down in his infamous photo op in front of a church. The time he ordered the place he wanted to stand( because there was church in the background) CLEARED of peaceful protesters so his mystery meat weaponized thugs TEARGASSED the protesters away. Baton beat and rubber bulleted them. What a wonderful Christianly thing to do. Gag me with a spoon. I detest him. The only homo sap in my entire life I despise. I don't like the feeling at all but I cannot help the revulsion that envelops me when he speaks. I wish I could. I'm always muting him because I get a visceral physical unpleasant reaction. I can't look at him either. Ugliest thing I've ever seen in all my borned days. Thank you for your reply Durdle and Happy Friday to thee and thine. All is well with you and yours I hope? :) This post was edited by RosieG at October 9, 2020 2:16 AM MDT
      October 9, 2020 2:13 AM MDT

  • 3719
    Interesting contrast - I'd not really considered that different version of God.

    The Old Testament essentially chronicles forging an assortment of tribes with old religious beliefs into a unified society worshipping a single deity, so perhaps having God as a dictator was useful for frightening people into behaving themselves in this new order.

    By Jesus' time the Hebrews had become a settled culture so perhaps more ready to accept a kind and caring deity. Especially as they were under foreign occupation by a military power known for its cruelty, although a lot of Roman governors including Pontius Pilate tended to let their subjects live their own lives and follow their own religions, if only to lessen any desire or need to revolt against the Romans. 


    I remember that ridiculous photo-call, with the police clearing the protestors away as they did. I didn't know Trump held the Bible upside-down but I would not worry too much about that. The way the whole stunt was managed, or even that it happened at all, is much more serious. 
      October 10, 2020 3:34 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Indeed and the dumb cluck duck promises much worse if he is not re-elected. It is hard to prepare ourselves for what a madman will do. We are doing our best but until he does whatever he is going to do we stand and wait. Things are very grim here. And getting much grimmer. The absurd controtions the dumb cluck duck apologists throw up and out ever day is INSULTING to our intelligence. They are able to say it with a straight face and then of course repeat mimic exactly what the dumb cluck duck makes up because they know he is always watching and listening and will come for them with vengeance if they do not obey. There is no doubt of that because that is what he does. His adoring worshippers are simply lost. No one can reach them. We have written them off. Now we wait to see how many if any Republicans pull away pull back and refuse to continue doing want the mad dumb cluck duck demands they do. Moscow Mitch that son of an itchl has said he has not been to the white house since august because he does not trust or like how they have mishandled the virus. A start. Being here is like nothing you will have ever experienced. I am happy for those who not American and living here during these dark days. Will we survive? Of course. But how shattered and tattered will we be and how long will it take to rid ourselves of the stench and the misery caused by the dumb cluck duck? Decades? Thank you for your reply Durdle.
      October 10, 2020 4:10 AM MDT

  • 3719
    I can't see what he could do if he loses the election. Yes, he'll no doubt bluster and bully and talk a load of rubbish but legally what else could he do? The best thing for him would be to admit defeat and go back to property speculation and golf.  Especially as he'll have the rest of the world watching.

    What would happen though if Trump does win? Will the country become even more divided? 

    "Decades"? I think your country is more resilient than that.  
      October 11, 2020 2:05 PM MDT

  • 113301
    It is all speculative at this point Durdle. An overwhelming TSUNAMI-sized loss might send him away very quickly due to the humiliation. But we are dealing with a mad man and so how do you anticipate what a mad man will do?  You can't. His toady sycophants and adoring worshippers and all the lemmings around him may well answer his call to arms and we will have an insurrection or riots. Every single hate group backs him. Many are weaponized and ready to fight for him by murdering those who are in his way. Overly dramatic? Perhaps. There is no way to know what an insane man will do with limitless power.  Nor is there any way to know what his equally mad devoted followers will do. I think they will do WHATEVER IT TAKES to keep him in that job. WHATEVER IT TAKES. We will find out. Thank you for your reply. Stay tuned. This post was edited by RosieG at October 12, 2020 3:05 AM MDT
      October 12, 2020 2:57 AM MDT

  • 3719
    A truly frightening situation....
      October 13, 2020 2:08 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I know m'dear. I'm here and living it. SIGH. Thank you for your reply! :)
      October 14, 2020 5:47 AM MDT