That depends on how you define "mysterious wonder". Has he performed miracles in my life, no (miracle being something that defies natural law). HAs He helped me just when I needed it. yes. He gave me a job. When the company I'd had worked for folded, I was out of work and at a time when jobs were scarce due to the economy. Then "out of the blue" another company (who I had no previous contact with) called me up and literally begged me to come work for them. They were opening a new store and wanted me as one of their managers. No interview, nothing. Just take the mandatory drug test and you're hired. That was 100% God!!
I believe that timing can be a miracle Shuhak. A confluence of need and means of filling that need just exactly at the right time. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday to thee and thine! I am surrounded by "miracles' 24/7. That is how I choose to perceive them. Jim and I were in a very very very very bad rollover accident in 2004 which should have killed us. We are still here. I had stage 3 uterine cancer with a 14% chance of surviving for 5 years in 2008. I am still here and well I fell down hard and hit my face without bracing my fall a few months ago. I didn't break a bone. I was swollen and black and blue for weeks but now? The only thing on my face that has not gone away is a slight swelling on my right cheek. Miracles all of them in my opinion. Since I have osteoporis allegedly. How can that be that I didn't break any bones? I have no idea.I AM STILL HERE in 2020!